Wole Soyinka The Road Summary Part II

Professor is disappointed that Samson and Kotonu did not bring any revelations or spare parts for the store. The professor emphasizes the importance of the store for their sustenance and expresses concern about losing customers. Samson explains that the man they encountered is not in a condition to start trading. The professor becomes frustrated and demands a statement for the police, but Samson and Kotonu struggle to provide one. Kotonu recalls seeing a lorry filled with people, but their faces were covered with rags. They discuss the dust and the smell of stockfish coming from the lorry. They discover a large hole near the broken bridge and observe that it was not dug for them. The professor makes jokes and observations about the river, the road, and the passengers. Samson and Kotonu argue about crossing the bridge and herding the passengers. The layabouts ask Samson to say something, and he recites a prayer. The professor insists on reopening the shop and refuses to discuss what he found on his doorstep. Kotonu is desperate for help and wants to know what the professor found. The professor tells Kotonu to open the shop and implies that he also waits for something without complaining.

Samson pleads with the professor not to make someone else take over the store. The professor questions whether Sergeant Burma was a better man than Samson’s friend. The professor emphasizes the importance of material necessities in life and questions how Samson’s friend intends to live without driving. Samson reveals that they have some savings, but not much. The professor suggests forming a syndicate and proposes a plan to use Samson’s friend’s driving license as an asset. Samson questions the professor’s own assets and whether he has any money. The professor becomes defensive and insists that his assets are hidden in his papers. Samson questions the practicality of the professor’s assets and suggests that they may not fill his belly. Kotonu finds a coin and Samson thanks him, reflecting on his past experiences as a driver.

Salubi brings a parcel of guguru (a type of snack) to the Professor, who is examining it and praising the woman who sells it. The Professor finds cabalistic signs on the wrapping of the parcel and is intrigued by their meaning. Samson suggests that the signs are related to football pools, a form of gambling, and offers to explain how they work. The Professor is surprised by Samson’s ability to decipher the signs and asks him to fill out a football coupon. Samson reveals that he is illiterate but knows how to fill out the coupon and suggests using a fake address. Samson talks about the potential winnings from football pools and his aspirations to buy a new lorry. The conversation shifts to Murano, and the Professor dismisses any concern for him. Samson asks the Professor about rumors regarding his involvement with church funds and his source of income. The Professor reminisces about his past involvement with the church and the changes he made to the building. The Professor expresses confusion about the church funds and asks Samson to keep an eye out for any information. Samson mentions that all the windows of the church are open, contradicting the Professor’s claim that one is kept shut. The Professor warns Samson about the church’s influence and asks him to keep watch for any changes. The Professor emphasizes the importance of finding the Word and hints at a future battle.

Samson breaks free and flees up-stage, followed by Kotonu emerging from behind a mass of junk and clothing. The mask-followers fill the stage searching for their mask-bearer. Samson hides the mask under a board and they both hide before the mask-followers return. It is revealed that it is a Drivers’ festival and the participants are armed with whips and thick fibrestalls. Samson and Kotonu discuss the events and their involvement, with Kotonu feeling guilty and Samson urging him to help carry the figure onto the lorry. They argue about who is to blame for the situation and whether they should have been a part of it. Samson urges Kotonu to start the engine and they prepare to leave before the mask-followers return. The maskers perform a dance of whips and search for the missing god. One of the maskers lifts the tarpaulin on the lorry, but Samson fights him off with a whip. Samson urges Kotonu to strip the mask and get under it, while the whipping and chanting becomes more violent. Kotonu becomes demented and struggles with the mask, getting blood on himself. The dancers flog each other off the scene and there is a slow black-out. Particulars Joe enters and asks if someone came in, but Samson denies it. Particulars Joe explains that he is chasing a hit-and-run driver who collided with a goat. Samson and Kotonu mock Particulars Joe’s pursuits and discuss his motives for coming to their location. Professor enters and engages in a conversation with Particulars Joe about retirement and prison. Professor expresses his desire for solitude and contemplation in prison. Particulars Joe expresses relief that he will have the credit for arresting Professor. Salubi suddenly mentions Murano, but Professor tells him to sit down as Murano makes no sound.

Say Tokyo Kid is worried about being late. Say Tokyo Kid and Salubi discuss business. Say Tokyo Kid questions the presence of a suspicious person. Say Tokyo Kid explains that he disappeared while pursuing murderers. The gang members express their regret for not searching for Say Tokyo Kid. Particulars Joe arrives and asks about an unreported accident. Particulars Joe interrogates Kotonu about his whereabouts during the Drivers’ Festival. The gang defends Kotonu and accuses Particulars Joe of corruption. Say Tokyo Kid asserts that the ofestival is none of Particulars Joe’s business. Particulars Joe requests a search warrant and finds Sergeant Burma’s uniform. The gang reminisces about Sergeant Burma and his love for driving. Particulars Joe reveals that Sergeant Burma died in a brake failure accident. Samson expresses his lack of sentimentality and his focus on business. The group is singing softly and Samson suddenly realizes the horror of what he has been doing. Samson tears off his clothes and begs for forgiveness, admitting that he was only pretending to be dead. The group discusses a fire that destroyed a store and the wife of the deceased man wanting to set fire to the whole place. They talk about looting during war and how the rich man they killed still had money in his pockets. The professor talks about his habit of picking up words from the road and how he made a mistake by taking a word that was too powerful. The professor warns that he will counter any trouble with a resurrection and that their deaths will have no meaning. They discuss the investigation of a possessed man at the Festival of Drivers and the coincidence of him being a palm winetapper. The professor receives Murano, who brings a gourd and prepares drinks for everyone. The professor talks about the rainbow and the palm as symbols of promises from God. The group laughs and enjoys themselves, while Say Tokyo Kid notices Murano’s reaction to a mask. Kotonu tries to dismiss any concern, but the professor asks what is wrong. Kotonu mentions that Murano has no mind and one leg is shorter than the other.

Murano is afraid of the Professor’s voice and is about to throw aside his mask. The Professor reveals that Murano has no memory of his past and has returned to his old trade of tapping wine from trees. The Professor believes that Murano holds the spirit of a god and hopes to cheat death by learning its nature. Samson is known as the King of Touts and is praised by the others. The Professor tries to control the group and insists that they continue playing music. There is tension and fear among the group as they witness the appearance of the egungun, a masquerade figure. Say Tokyo, one of the characters, confronts the Professor and a fight ensues. Salubi , another character, intervenes and stabs the Professor in the back. The Professor retaliates and kills Say Tokyo. The text ends with the Professor giving a speech about being like the road and embracing deceit and treachery.

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