Anton Chekhov A Father Summary

The narrator, Old Musatov, admits to being drunk and asks his son, Borenka, for money to pay for his lodging. Borenka gives his father ten roubles without hesitation.

Old Musatov confesses to lying about paying back the money and expresses shame for his laziness and drunkenness. Borenka offers his father a pair of boots, which the father accepts and promises to pay for later.

Old Musatov continues to express remorse for his actions and acknowledges that he has been a burden to his children. The father and son discuss the father’s living situation and the son’s offer for him to stay with him.

Old Musatov declines the offer, stating that he is destined to remain in his current state. The father expresses gratitude for his children and acknowledges their kindness and generosity.

Old Musatov recounts instances where he has embarrassed and disgraced his children, but they have shown forgiveness and support. The father expresses regret for his past behavior and acknowledges that he has been a bad father.

Old Musatov praises his children for their goodness and expresses hope that their noble conduct will be rewarded by God.

An old man jumps out of a cab and runs into a tavern, later returning and sitting down beside his son. The old man asks about his daughter, Sonya, and learns that she is living with Sasha’s mother-in-law.

The old man expresses his love for Sonya and his desire to see her. He plans to clean up his appearance before meeting her and asks his son, Boris, to arrange a meeting.

The old man repeatedly leaves the cab to go into the tavern while Boris patiently waits. They arrive at the “virago’s” lodging, where the old man feels ashamed and guilty.

The old man introduces Boris to the women in the lodging and offers him a drink. Boris drinks to avoid offending his father. The old man talks about his simple life and expresses his disdain for pity.

After tea, the old man talks about his winnings and tells lies. Boris says goodbye and the old man asks him to arrange a meeting with Sonya. The old man becomes emotional and whispers his desire to see Sonya.

He promises to behave and hold his tongue while she is there. The old man says goodbye and asks Boris to wait.

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