Arthur Conan Doyle The Dying Detective Summary

Mrs. Hudson, Holmes’ landlady, visits Watson one day in November. She informs him of Holmes’ impending death. For the past three days, he hasn’t eaten or drunk anything. Even though he has been becoming ill over that time, he has refused to visit a physician. Even though he has at last given Mrs. Hudson permission to retrieve Watson, he still won’t see another physician.

Upon entering Holmes’ bedroom, Watson is astounded by how sick his friend appears to be. Holmes claims that he has a tropical illness that is often limited to Sumatra. Holmes claims that he was recently brought to a location where he must have contracted the illness during an investigation.

When Dr. Watson offered to bring Dr. Ainstree, Sherlock Holmes shut the door and told him not to move until six o’clock at night, at which point he may get a doctor of his choosing. Holmes also refused to allow Dr. Watson to examine him, claiming that the disease can be spread by contact. For two hours, Dr. Watson did nothing but slowly move around the room since he had no idea what to do. He found a small ivory box with a sliding top that was black and white.

Holmes sternly ordered him not to touch his belongings as he was ready to look through the box. Holmes gave the order to remove his money and keep all of the half-crowns in his watch pocket while he was in a state of madness.

He even gave the order to light the gas lamp and leave it partially on, set some letters on the table at his reach, slide the ivory box’s lid closed using tongs, and set the ivory box and tongs on the table. Holmes was serious, therefore he also told Dr. Watson to bring Mr. Culverton Smith from 13, Lower Burke Street. Despite his reluctance, Dr. Watson went as instructed.

Holmes stated that he was a plantation owner with extensive understanding of the illness rather than a medical professional. Holmes urged Watson to beg and persuade him to come to his house so that Holmes, who was in critical condition, could be saved. Dr Watson offered to get a taxi for him. But Holmes told Watson to make a plea and get to Holmes before he gets there. 

Watson encountered Mr. Morton, who was dressed civilly, while they were waiting for a cab, and Mr. Morton told Watson what he had heard at Smith’s residence. Dr. Watson forcibly entered Mr. Culverton Smith’s chamber. He asked Mr. Holmes how he was doing after hearing his name. He asked Holmes how he contracted the eastern disease after learning that he was critically ill and thinking that only he could save his life. He was informed all Dr. Watson knew. Under the guise of an appointment, Dr. Watson had seen Holmes earlier and had obeyed his orders to wait in a room.

When Smith got there, he called for Holmes. Holmes answered his inquiries in a feeble tone. He inquired about the symptoms from Holmes. After Holmes had finished outlining the symptoms, Smith appeared oddly content. He revealed, “On the fourth day, poor Victor Savage was dead.”

a youthful, robust, and healthy man. What a remarkable coincidence! “I know that you did it,” stated Holmes. With a moan, Holmes requested some water. Smith handed him water happily. He asked Smith to heal him and promised to let go of his involvement in Victor’s death. Smith claimed that Watson had told him that Chinese sailors were the source of Holmes’ sickness. He was sincerely curious as to whether there might be another explanation. 

Holmes understood the acting with success. Smith was informed by Inspector Morton at that very moment that he was being held on a murder accusation. There got into a fight. Smith was overcome by Inspector Morton, who then handcuffed him. Holmes expressed regret to Dr. Watson for treating him badly and compromising his medical judgment. The whole point of the acting was to get Smith there. Watson was even led to assume that Holmes was truly delirious by the coin trick. Holmes requested that Dr. Watson take him to Simpsons so he could eat a healthy meal.

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