Caste and class conflict in Anand’s Coolie

The novel “Coolie” (1936) is a masterpiece of Anand’s humanitarian work for speaking against the injustices and oppression faced by the lower strata of society. The depictions of caste and class conflict is evident in the novel where the protagonist Munoo is mistreated in the upper strata of the society. When Munoo is taken into the house of Babu Nathoo Ram, he is beaten and mistreated by Bibiji.

Munoo belonged to the lowest strata of the society and was a servant to them. He was not allowed to visit the rooms of other family members in Babu Nathoo Ram’s house. Munoo was given inadequate food and he was scolded with the use of vulgar words such as “you eater of your servant”, “pig”, “owl”, “monkey” etc which reflects the caste conflict in the novel. When Munoo accidentally injured Sheila, he was beaten up by Bibiji and he has forcefully run away from the house.

The novel also shows the class conflict where the elements of class conflict is evident in the character of Prabha and Sir Todal Mal. Though Prabha owns the factory, he was dominated by Sir Todal Mal. He always demand free pickles and a jam from Prabha so that he won’t shut down the factory of Prabha. The class conflict is seen when Prabha pleases Sir Todal Mal with his free gifts where the capitalist or the higher class always stood at the privileges and the lower strata of the society remains poor and helpless.

However, it is also evident in the novel where Munoo travels to Bombay. He works as a labourer in the factory of Sir George Mill. Munoo became a labourer and Mr. Mill a capitalist. They were exploited and the Marxist element of class conflict is evident in the novel where Ratan demands the unity of labourers against the capitalist like Mr. Mill. Marxist believed that the labourers or the lower strata of society hold more power in unity and eventually will overthrow the capitalist power. It is reflected in the character of Ratan who believes in the left wing ideology and they all unite with other labourers to fight against class exploitation.

However, the caste conflict is evident in the end of the novel where Munoo suffered in the place Shimla. He was taken by Mrs. Mainwaring and she slaps him and tortured him. It is evident in the discrimination where Munoo is treated as a subhuman being by Mrs. Mainwaring. Since Munoo belongs to the lowest strata of the society, he is treated as subhuman and exploited that reflects the caste conflict and bias in the society. Munoo died at a very young age of fifteen years old due to tuberculosis , malnourished.

Mulk Raj Anand The Gold Watch Summary

Mulk Raj Anand Coolie Summary (Chapter 1-3)

Critical Analysis of Mulk Raj Anand The Lost Child

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