Character Sketch of Frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein is the main protagonist of Mary Shelley’s novel “Frankenstein”. One of the most significant aspect of Viktor Frankenstein’s character was that he was a man of Renaissance. He was thirsty for knowledge and search for the quest in science of knowledge. He was an unusual person with a high temperament nature where his thirst for knowledge on science makes him mad. He was interested in the field of natural philosophy and questions the existence of life. He wanted to comprehend the knowledge of death and wanted to bring back the dead bodies back to life. His pursuit and research on death and life clearly makes him a man of Renaissance and echoes the spirit of Victorian temperament as well.

Frankenstein was a enthusiastic person. His love for science and interests made him to appreciate by his professors. He was overall a brilliant student in the university of Ingolstadt. He learned in the laboratories and experimented with dead bodies and becomes fascinated with the “secrets of life”. This fascination led to the creation of a creature where Frankenstein has reached to the ultimate level of the creator. He was able to bring back the dead body back to its life which shows his fulfillment and discovery.

However, Frankenstein was an irresponsible person. Though he has created a creature and gave life to him yet he failed miserably since he failed to take responsibility and accountability for his actions. He was afraid of the creature and he realized later in the letters send to him to his family that his brother William was murdered. It was a failure for him because he knew that it was the creature that killed his brother and most important Justine had to sacrifice her life in the accusation for William’s murder. This led Frankenstein filled with fear, horror and forced to volunteer the mistake that he has made.

Frankenstein was a round character since he did not wanted to tell the guilt that he faces in his mind and wanted to kill the creature that he has created yet he finally took responsibility and tells the story to his family and to Robert Walton. Throughout the novel, Frankenstein only filled himself with guilt when his family member were being killed yet he comes to terms to kill the monster and let go of his mistakes. He failed to kill the monster but as a matter of fact spread the information about the creature and its origin to Robert Walton who can possible catch and kill the monster that Frankenstein has created.

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