Chinua Achebe The Madman Summary

The protagonist is drawn to large markets and straight roads, avoiding small markets and dusty footpaths. He has discovered two markets, Afo and Eke, connected by a broad highway, which he prefers.

He avoids confrontations with market women and people who throw stones at him. He is close to the Eke marketplace when he sees young ladies with water-pots coming towards him, surprising him.

He decides to follow a sloping footpath to get water, leaving his belongings on the roadside. Nwibe is a man of high standing in Ogbu and plans to seek admission into the ozo men’s honored hierarchy.

The caution of the elders is seen as a formality because Nwibe is known for being sensible and reliable. Nwibe rises early on Eke day to visit his farm before going to the market.

There is tension between his wives, Mgboye and Udenkwo, over a dog incident. Nwibe intervenes to restore peace in his compound. Nwibe washes off the sweat of work at a stream before preparing for the market.

The madman watches Nwibe and remembers the past incidents where Nwibe mistreated him. Nwibe confronts the madman and tries to retrieve his cloth, but the madman laughs and runs away.

Nwibe chases the madman through the market, seeking help from the crowd, but they don’t take him seriously. Eventually, Nwibe’s fellow villagers catch him and lead him home, where he is described as being in a deep and silent grief.

The first medicine-man refuses to help Nwibe, stating that he has willingly embraced the madness. The second doctor takes on Nwibe’s case and successfully cures him, becoming renowned as a mad-doctor.

Although Nwibe is cured, he remains marked by his past actions and becomes a withdrawn individual. Nwibe attempts to join the community of titled men for restoration, but they avoid the topic.

Chinua Achebe The Voter Summary

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