Critical Analysis of Franz Kafka Novella The Metamorphosis

The Metamorphosis (1915), written by Franz Kafka is a novella that deals with the theme of disconnection between the mind and body. It uses the kafkaesque characteristic to showcase the absurd overview of modern family relationships, social institutions and the overall life as a whole. Kafka’s novel gains its reputation after his death and he inputs his personal upbringing in his novels to depict the modern age and social relationships. 

The most important theme in the novella is the detachment from reality. Kafka presents this theme in such a way that it appears absurd and illogical but the attachment to social institution clearly projects the psychological state of an individual. Gregor wakes up becoming a bug that appears to be illogical and absurd to the readers but it appears to be normal for him since he starts to ponder upon his relationship with the working institution. Having been pondered upon , it becomes clearer that he is able to find comfort and solace in being a bug rather than a mere human being. This shows the psychological state of Gregor where he escapes from the reality to the world of illogical realm. 

The another writing aspect is the Kafkaesque effect in the novella. Kafka’s writing is based on Kafkaesque traits where he is able to translate the various social and human relationships of the modern age. In the novella , the Kafkaesque effects can be seen when Gregor enters into a surrealistic world and his control patterns, behaviour begins to fall into pieces. It is evident when he is unable to open the door of his room, the changing voice and his entire bodily transformation Into a bug that disrupts all of his bodily senses. This is Kafkaesque effect. It is also seen where the taste of the food, milk appears to be tasteless and the scraps of food appears to be tasty for him. It disrupts the human senses where it appears to be normal for him to eat scraps but at the same time exist abnormal to his family members. Kafkaesque effect also evokes an ironical overview of life where the author puts forth the normalising of illogical myth. The ironical effect is another aspect of Kafkaesque writing where in the novella Gregor appears to be normal becoming a bug and he does not feel scared , anxious or even bothered about it. It is revealed that he becomes comfortable being a bug , wandering about the walls , being scared to be step on by his father’s foot. It is also ironical where the family members or the outside reality has no impact on the illusion or illogical myth of Gregor’s appearance. The appearance at first disturbed and distracted the family members but it appears to be normal for them later. This is a clear reflection of Kafkaesque effect. 

The novella also projects the absurdity of social relationships. Kafka wants to put forth the philosophy of human relationships of modern age where an individual’s respect lies on his ability to provide and nurture for the family members. If any individual fails to do so, the person loses its respect and the relationship breaks down. This aspect of human relationship is well depicted in the novella where Gregor is sympathised for his condition but the poverty of his family members lead to the gradual disparagement  and denigration of Gregor. His family members wants him to die or leave the house since he is unable to provide for his family members any longer. This shows the reality of modern human relationships where Gregor’s respect and worth lies upon his ability to provide for his family members with his income. 

The absurdity is seen when it becomes irrational and illogical because the novella projects the family members hating on their own blood without any remorseful feeling. It is ironic in a sense that his own mother wants him die and to be abandoned. This is clearly an absurd idea that makes a meaningless overview but Kafka tries to project the absurd meaningless of life where the modern age has equated respect and worth with the money and wealth and the relationships appears to be meaningless and worthless. He is indirectly attacking the social institution of bureaucrats as well where the rise of capitalism and power has changed the world. Many modernist writers including Kafka has projected that money and wealth attaches respect to an individual and the social and human relationships are also tied with materialism. 

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