Critical Analysis of Nicolas Guillen poem Fusil

Nicolas Guillen was a Cuban poet who actively engaged in the Negrismo literary movement with the political activism of his time. His works had been largely translated by various scholars into English language. His poems capture the issues of race, colonialism, violence, justice and black oppression. The very theme of the poem “Fusil” institute a rifle or a gun intriguing a vivid image of violence or the response towards the oppression learning to stand up for oneself.

Guillen’s poem “Fusil” is a powerful and thought-provoking piece that addresses the theme of violence and oppression. The poem reflects on the impact of guns and warfare on society, particularly in the context of the Cuban revolution. Guillen’s use of vivid imagery and strong language creates a sense of urgency and raises important questions about the consequences of violence.

The poem ‘Fusil’ is a powerful poem that shows how to resist oppressive powers. It has been noted that this poetry raises awareness of oppression. The poem is addressed to a fellow black brother and is written in the voice of a black Cuban speaker. Speaking to his brother, the speaker advises him to be prepared to defend his freedom and to pick up a firearm (a rifle) if necessary.

The speaker addresses to the fellow “black brother” to defend oneself from the oppression. The speaker suggest to the other blacks that the “Fusil” is a rifle or a gun that is used to “shoot” or kill people and he addresses them to use the same rifle or gun as a “weapon” to respond towards the oppression. Critically, the only way to defend oneself from oppression is to use the same weapon wage against the oppressed. The speaker is giving an advice to use the same rifle to respond towards any oppression or menaces bestowed unto them. It gives a sense of extremist sentiment of the speaker towards the marginalised communities.

The mention of “John Brown” and other non blacks leaders shows the inspiration of black liberation from slavery. John Brown is a historical figure who helped liberate slavery from United States. This gives insights into the influence of Langston Hughes on Guillen’s works. The speaker simply suggest his black brothers to remember these leaders who defended them by holding “fusil” in their hands.

In addition to this, Guillen addresses the historical context of the Afro-Cuban revolution and the struggles faced by the Black community. The mention of John Brown, who was not Black but defended the cause of freedom with a gun, highlights the idea of resistance against oppression. Guillen suggests that if one doesn’t have a gun, they should find something, like a sledgehammer or a rock, to fight back and defend themselves.

By emphasizing the need for self-defense and resistance, Guillen portrays the violence and oppression that Afro-Cubans faced during that time. The poem sheds light on the harsh realities of racial inequality and the fight for freedom. The poem also capture the spirit of resilience and determination in the face of adversity, reflecting the Afro-Cuban revolution and the experiences of those who fought for their rights. Guillen’s powerful imagery and strong language serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle against oppression.

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