Gerald Durrell Vanishing Animals Summary

The Père David deer, a unique species, was discovered by a French missionary named Father David in China in the 1800s. The deer were strictly protected in China, and Father David had to use unconventional methods to obtain specimens for study. The deer were eventually sent to zoos in Europe, where they thrived and started breeding.

A flood in China caused the deer in the Imperial Hunting Park to escape and be killed, leaving only the ones in European zoos.The Duke of Bedford established a herd of Père David deer on his estate in England, which now numbers over a hundred and fifty.

The author had the opportunity to hand-rear Père David deer at Whipsnade Zoo and describes their behavior and appearance. The author also mentions another group of animals, white-tailed gnus, which are now extinct in the wild and had unique and comical behavior.

The essay then highlights the decline and near-extinction of various animal species due to human activities. It mentions the white-tailed gnu in South Africa, which was hunted for food by early settlers, leading to a significant decrease in their population. The curious nature of the antelope made them easy targets for rifle practice. Today, there are less than a thousand of these animals left, scattered in small herds across South African estates.

The essay also mentions the dodo bird, which inhabited the island of Mauritius. The dodo had lost the ability to fly and nested on the ground, feeling safe from predators. However, when humans arrived on the island, they brought along animals like dogs, cats, pigs, rats, and goats, which disrupted the dodo’s habitat and preyed upon them. As a result, the dodo became extinct.

The author emphasizes that human activities, such as hunting, trapping, deforestation, and the introduction of non-native species, have caused the decline and extinction of numerous animal species worldwide. The loss of these animals is irreversible, as humans cannot recreate or revive a species once it is gone.

While efforts have been made to protect and reintroduce certain species, there is still much work to be done. Unfortunately, most conservation efforts focus on economically important animals, leaving many obscure species to die out. The author argues that animal preservation is crucial, as every species has its own unique value and should be protected.

In conclusion, the essay highlights the need for greater consideration and reverence towards animal life. Without proper protection and sanctuary, many species will continue to live on the brink of extinction, relying on the efforts of a few individuals and institutions for their survival.

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