Guy de Maupassant A Good Match Summary

The cadet, Max B., attends a performance by Strauss’ band at the Horticultural Society and is seated at a table with a gentleman and three ladies.

The two elder ladies show disdain towards Max, but the gentleman invites him to stay, which Max interprets as a sign of interest from the youngest and prettiest lady, Angelica.

Max becomes infatuated with Angelica and they begin a secret affair, meeting every night at her house. After four months, Max accidentally encounters Angelica in public and she coldly rejects him, forbidding him from acknowledging their relationship outside.

Max confronts Angelica about their future and proposes marriage, but she refuses, stating that she would only marry him if he were an officer.

Max is heartbroken and ends the relationship, cutting off all contact with Angelica. Later, Max discovers that his captain is engaged to marry Angelica, who is described as pure, beautiful, and from a wealthy family.

Key insights

  • The story explores themes of infatuation, deception, and social status.
  • Max’s infatuation with Angelica blinds him to her true intentions, leading to heartbreak.
  • Angelica’s refusal to marry Max based on his social status highlights the importance of class in relationships.
  • The captain’s engagement to Angelica suggests that she may have been using Max for her own pleasure while pursuing a more advantageous match.

Overall, the story portrays a cautionary tale about the dangers of infatuation and the importance of considering social dynamics in relationships.

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