Manjula Padmanabhan Harvest Summary Act 2

Scene 1– After two months , the same room and everything has transformed into technology including refrigerator , tv , sofa and Japanese style dining able along with the two cubicles containing toilet and bathroom. Om gets up and demands food from Ma but insists that it is not her turn to cook but Jaya’s. Ma is busy watching programme on Tv and Jaya is doing her nails. Om tells that Ginni will be here any minute but Ma tells that Bidyut bai is using the toilet and Om becomes angry at Ma for letting her use it and does not care about her stomach cramps. At the moment of arguments, Bidyut bai comes out from the toilet, Om gets mad at her and tells her to get out of the room. Ma insists that she cannot help her go out and Jaya sarcastically mocks at Ma. As soon as Bidyut bai gets up to leave, the warning tone alarms and Om is worried as Ginni is about to appear on the Contact Module. Jaya helps her out and the entire lunch table is set up as Ginni does not like them eating late. As soon as the third alarm warning sound made, Ma rushes to the dining table to eat leaving the tv on and Ginni appears.

Ginni tells Om that it i slate for lunch. Om tells that there were some visitors who came over and did not really care about a strict schedule. Ginni tells him that the Indians really try to avoid conflict what she calls it as “booboos” and is a part of their culture. She tells him to not to confront such and avoiding conflict as it would happen anyways. Ginni shifts to Ma and Jaya but Ginni notices that Jaya is not happy and Jaya insists that she is. Ginni becomes furious about joyful atmosphere as keeping a joyful atmosphere would have an impact on Om’s health. Ginni tells that the best organs are the smiling organs and keeping Om smile would make the best organs in him and as well and good for the transplant too. There was a knock on the door and Jaya looks and Ginni becomes suspicious of her look. Jaya tries to dismissed it but Ma speaks about someone on the door and Ginni asks about it yet Jaya tells that Ginni treats them like a small kids. Ginni is infuriated when two three people talks at the same time. Jaya sneezes and Ginni demands to know if she has cold and demands Om to answer if she a cold. Jaya blames the pepper and there was a knock and a thump on the door again.

Ma looks around saying that Bidyut bai is really shamesless and Ginni asks Ma what she is murmuring about. Om defends Ma that she said nothing and tries to avoid the conversation. Jaya is furious and stated that they are not lying about anything but Ginni is suspicious about it and believes that they are hiding something from her. Om persuades Ginni that she can trust him as he tells her that he lives only for the benefit of hers. Ginni seems to trust Om a bit and tells believes him. She is furious about colds and tells them that they have eradicated colds from their country and it is not good for the organ transplant and if Om catches cold, then the entire program is just a waste of time. But Om tells Ginni that sh is like his own sister and Ginni asks Jaya if he ever tells lie to her as a sister. Jaya tells that he does not lie and he is pure like a fresh cotton. Ginni laughs and appreciates the conversations and especially Jaya’s sarcasm. Ginni also tells that people like in an age like her are lonely and don’t have human companionship so she is giving to people like Jaya, om and Ma the life they would never dream of and they give her the most precious thing (her life). Ginni is tired and he leaves from the Contact Module.

The knocking on the door continues and Jaya and Ma is irritated. Jaya opens the door and is shocked to know that it is Jeetu who comes back home. His condition is worse with tatter clothes and covered in grimes. He makes a dramatic entrance and Om is shocked to see in this state and Jaya is concerned.Jeetu tells that he has been sleeping on the pavements and tries to flirt with Jaya but leaves downstage and Om tries to regain control of the situation and demands Jeetu to tell everything. Jeetu tells that he owes nobody nothing and Ma is quite hard on him and Om tells that his permit to leave them is already given up and there was an air of silence. Om tells that he has some chances to stay with them but he decided to leave and he already has given false information about Jeetu to the guards and he cannot stay here as he is health hazard.

Jeetu tells that he is dirty and there are germs even in the germs of his. He shocks everyone that he is ill and tells that it is an overdose of excessive freedom. It is the freedom of lying on the roads, filth eating from the garbage dumps. Jeetu starts to throw up and Om and Ma is concerned about the filth he carries. The lice might infect them and Jaya is concerned about Jeetu but Om tells that Ginni and the guards will not like him living with them but Jaya tells that he is what he is mention in the data collected by the guards. Ma is concerned that they don’t have enough food fro him and is worried about Ginni. Jaya tells them that they will wrap Jeetu in a sheet and keep him like that until he becomes healthy and give him a haircut to disinfect the lice and lie to Ginni that Jaya’s husband i.e Jeetu came back from business trip. Ma taunts Jaya for his selfless care towards Jeetu but Jaya tells that his diseases will go away with proper food and clean water.

Scene 2 – After some couple of hours, Jeetu is wasted and he grows visibly clearer and Jaya attends him by washing and cleaning. Ma is blank and speechless. Om is pacing himself and both Jaya and Om has changed their clothes. Om is trying to hold back his emotions. Om is waiting for the call of ginni again and she will be caling them any minute soon. The argument starts again on whther Ginni will like Jeetu or not and Om thinks she will throw him away. Jaya dismisses and supports the stay of Jeetu. Om was going to give it to the guards but Jaya shows concerns defending Jeetu that they do not care about them and especially not as human beings. Om repeats what Ginni tells that the curse of the donor world is sentimentality. The argument heats up again between Jaya, Ma and Om over Ginni and both Om and Ma taunts Jaya for caring much to Jeetu. Om supports Ginni and defends her as she is giving them a comfort to live but Jaya mocks at it believing that they are just a a meat at their table while Ma believes that Jaya is just jealous of Ginni.

Om wanted to slap Jaya but Jaya told him to wear gloves but there is a knock on the door. Ma believes it as the neighbours and curses them for disturbing them for water. Om tells that they should ask the municipality to increase their water supply. Om believes that it is no wonder why foreigners think of them as low and petty due to such distractions and community based society. The knocking increases and Jaya is unsure if it is the neighbours as it could be the guards as there is a code while Ma insists it is the neighbours. Thumping on the door continues and Om believes Jaya it could be the guards. The knocking is violent now and Ma and Jaya and Om are scared about Jeetu. Om persuades Jaya to open the door as she should be a dutiful wife but Jaya claps back for Om is such a hero and her man. The knocking continues with thumping as well. Om keeps requesting Jaya to open the door and believes that he will be dead . In this moment of horror, Om realizes his importance of body parts and is scared to even give up his nails for it is more precious than a diamond and considers himself a fool for doing such a job. Om is very much scared of the door and tells Ma not to open the door and says that the blood will be upon their hands if they open the door. Jaya taunts Om as om wants the door to be completely sealed with cement and fire and hates the guards but Jaya mocks at Om that they were good friends before.

Om is still sacred and wants to hide somewhere but Jaya stands up and stands nect to the bolt and opens the door. It is for Ma and it seems that she ordered something. Ma ordered something ad it has not come yet and it was someone who came to take a signature of Ma. Ma keeps it mysterious from Jaya on what she has ordered.

Scene 3 – Om is lying in the foetal position on the floor as a small child out of horror. It has left some fear on Om and Jaya and Ma argues again over how Jaya is jealous of Ginni . Ma believes that Om is just a coward and decides to watch TV and opens up about how she was a widow. Surprisingly Jaya wants to know if her husband did not die and Ma tells that he did not die but believes it to be dead and she remains a widow after that. Jaya opens her concern that their dream of getting rich will come down crashing soon as Ginni will replace if she finds out what happened to her little pet( meaning Om). Jaya believes that she will take everything back and they will lose everything. At that moment Jeetu speaks and Jaya tells him that he scan only speak but does not do anything but leave and does not even bother or care about them. Ma taunts Jaya not to her husband ( Jeetu) like that and Jeetu implies that he is Jaya’s lover. Om gets furious with Jeetu’s remarks as his limbs twitch but does not speak up.

Jaya taunts Jeetu for not showing more concern towards their family and tormenting their fasmily. But Jeetu exposes jaya that when she is weak she cant even eat the cockroaches swarming into her mouth and that’s where her desires breathes. Ma tells that Jaya has been shameless and calls her a slut for having an affair with Jeetu ( her brother in law). Both ma and Jeetu taunts Jaya. Jeetu thinks that they can overall manage everything but there is a sound on the corridor and Jaya and Jeetu were talking and Ma interrupts to tell the noise. The Guards came again on the door and the Guard 1 threaten to destroy the door if they do not open the door in a count to ten. The Guard 1 searches for the donor and it is Jeetu who is afraid and runs away but the Guard tries to catch him but Jaya insists that he is not the donor. The Guard 1 do not believe Jeetu and thinks Jeetu is the donor and Jaya screams.

Jaya struggles to fight for Jeetu but the Guard 1 refuses to listen to Jaya and thinks that they are all lying,. Ma supports it telling the guards to take Jeetu away. Guard 1 tells them that the moment it is time to take them they lie. Ma holds Jaya and asks the Guards to make it fast and leave. Jeetu cries for help and there are large collectors now from neighbourhood to watch the entire scene. The Guard 2 is ready with the syringe to inject on Jeetu and both Jeetu and Guard 2 are struggling. Finally, the Guard 2 is able to inject Jeetu and he screams while Jaya protests about it but nobody believes her. Jeetu is shielded in a stretcher and the guards ready to depart from the room. Jaya believes that they have killed Jeetu and The Guard 1 tells them for the cooperation and Jaya demands to know when Jeetu will return and the Guard 1 told her that after the process of recovery leading up to two hours or one week. It also depends on the nature of organ transplant and the free choice of the donor available to the receiver.

Jaya asks them what part of his organ is going to be removed and the Guard 1 dismisses the information. Jaya becomes furious at the Guard 1 for not answering but they keep asking questions. Jaya angrily told them to leave the house but the Guard 1 keeps on making assurances that his beloved one would be return safely in a short amount of time and thank them for their support and compassion. Jaya hates them but Ma wants to switch on the Tv and does not bother about Jeetu at all. Jaya gets mad at Ma for her lack of concern towards Jeetu as she is more towards TV. Ma angrily tells Jaya that she is her mother in law and the one lying on the floor (Om) is Jaya’s brother in law and her husband (Jeetu) is gone to the factory spare parts and Jaya is a prostitute standing between Ma’s TV and her.

Scene 4 – It is a night time and Ma is snoring while Jaya wears a nightgown and Om is apparently sleeping. Jaya wakes Om up and have a conversation about Jeetu. Om is ignorant towards the entire situation and tells Jaya that they don’t care about us as they have used Jeetu instead of him or else they would have given him back. Jaya thinks that they have taken him only for something for small insignificant organ like teeth or toe nails, As it is already six hours, they (Om and Jaya) believe that it could be something part of a big organ like stomach, intestines etc. Om tells Jaya that he could be infected as he lives in the street and was protected much by his friends. Jaya thinks that it would be better if he dies at their hand as they would not hurt him. Om tells that the rich people only takes advantage of the poor people like them and it is what happened to Jeetu. Jaya and Om got into a big argument as Jaya responds to Om that he is just jealous and he is speaking out of jealousy. Om is mad at Jaya for betraying him as she seduced his brother and he feels contempt. Jaya told Om that he never cared for her and never wanted her. Om defends himself saying that he did not have a choice to make and had to sign up for the program. He lost his job and nobody wants a clerk anymore. The factories were closing and nothing was left for people like them. Jaya responds to him about the village but Om tells her that even the village has become a kind of factory and one has to be an industrialist born to work there. He tells her that he stood in the line and was chosen for the program and he blames everything on fate. He defends himself that it was his fate to stay still and lie on the floor and let Jeetu go instead of him. The return of Jeetu also lies on fate as well said by Om. Om seems unbothered about it and tells her that Jeetu never cared about anything and his own life. There was a sound of the boots coming up to the door and Jaya rushes and opens the door.

The Guards came to the door and brought Jeetu. Jeetu’s condition is worst he is all covered in white clothes and wine red velvet brocade robe and velvet bedroom slippers. Around his eyes were covered with bandages as well as wrap over his head. The Guard 1 tells about the completion of transplant and its success. They will be accountable for the benefit and consideration due to their terms of their contract.

Click Here to Know Padmanabhan’s Harvest Summary Act 3

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