Mitra Phukan The Collector’s Wife Summary Chapter 16-25

The novel focuses on two main aspects: the protests against illegal migrants in Assam and the life of Rukmini. The author sheds light on the protests and the local people’s resistance against foreign invasion. The involvement of students in the protests is highlighted, as well as the local women’s adoption of traditional attire to preserve Assamese culture.

On a personal level, Rukmini discovers she is pregnant in Chapter 18. Despite only being intimate with Manoj once, she is unable to inform him about the pregnancy. The news of a District Collector’s wife being attacked by a mob becomes a significant concern in Chapter 19, with Rukmini constantly making headlines. The novel reveals that Animseh Dutta is the one writing under the name Mukul Madhav in Amar Desh.

In Chapter 20, Rukmini confirms her pregnancy with a gynecologist, which leaves her confused as she hasn’t been physically intimate with Sidhharth for six months. However, she discovers Sidhharth’s relationship with Priyam, which deeply affects her psychologically. Additionally, Rukmini learns that their driver, Anil, has been working for MOFEH. The chapter ends with the abduction of Manoj and Pronob Bishaya.

Rukmini receives a letter from Manoj in which he asks her to visit his parents and his ex-wife, Maya, to inform them about his well-being. Rukmini decides to keep the baby and, with Sidhharth’s agreement, they plan to raise the child as a family. Chapter 24 reveals the death of Sidhharth, and Chapter 25 announces the death of Manoj. Rukmini is left grieving for both men.

Overall, the novel explores the impact of public events on people’s lives, highlighting the uncertainty of life for both civilians and the District Collector. It also delves into the emotional isolation experienced by a woman caught between these situations, effectively intertwining the personal and political aspects.

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