Munshi Premchand Radiance Summary

The author returns to Hindustan after passing the ICS examination and is given a subdivision in the mountainous region of the United Provinces. They enjoy hunting and have access to newspapers and magazines from Europe and America. The author reflects on the lack of social life but remedies it by going for walks, hunting, and reading. They express a desire for superior magazines in their own country.

The author goes on a tour and encounters the beauty of the scenery. They observe the poor living conditions of the masses and the lack of progress despite government expenditure. The author reflects on the influence of the West and the need for countries to follow their policies. They criticize the focus on the past and idol worship in their own country. The author gets caught in a storm while riding and encounters a courageous woman who guides them to her village. The author reflects on the woman’s difficult life and contemplates the differences in their situations.

The storm subsided and the skies cleared, leaving behind a cool and pleasant atmosphere. The narrator encounters a woman in a village who expresses concern for his well-being. The woman shares her story of being widowed and having to support her children by selling grass. The narrator is moved by the woman’s selflessness and gives her money to buy sweets for her children.

The woman refuses the money, emphasizing her self-respect and responsibility. The narrator realizes the value of the woman’s self-reliance and faith, feeling humbled by his own worthlessness. The woman’s belief in God’s presence and her late husband’s protection gives her strength. The narrator reflects on the lesson he learned from the woman and vows to protect and cherish this newfound knowledge.

The narrator is traveling to Gajanpur, which is still five miles away. The route is difficult and rocky, so they have to ride slowly and steadily to avoid danger. The sky becomes overcast and threatening, indicating a hailstorm. The narrator feels protected and unafraid despite the ominous clouds. The horse and the narrator both sense the imminent danger and want to escape quickly. They come across a bridge where a blind man is in danger of falling into the deep water.

The narrator calls out to the blind man to move to the right, but he moves to the left and falls into the water. At the same time, hailstones start falling. The narrator decides to save the blind man instead of seeking safety in a nearby temple. They dive into the water and manage to rescue the man, despite the hailstones falling around them. The horse goes to the temple while the narrator carries the dying man towards it. The hailstorm intensifies, causing pain and discomfort.

The narrator feels a sense of elation and victory for choosing to save the blind man instead of prioritizing their own safety. This experience marks a new phase in their life. The narrator provides first-aid to the blind man and is relieved when two men come to take care of him. The hailstorm subsides, and the narrator prepares to continue their journey to Gajanpur. The blind man expresses gratitude and sees the narrator as a blessed individual protected by a goddess.

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