Munshi Premchand The Last Gift Summary

Amarnath is searching for a European silk sari for his lover, despite the ban on foreign clothes imposed by the Congress. He struggles to find the sari in other shops and decides to go to a special shop that is being picketed.

Amarnath meets a panditji who suggests various excuses to avoid fulfilling his lover’s demand. He eventually enters the shop and purchases the sari, but encounters a woman wearing an orange sari on his way out. The woman criticizes Amarnath for buying silk saris while people can’t afford hand-spun clothes.

Amarnath defends himself, stating that the sari was a sahib’s demand and agrees to wear a bangle as a symbol of respect for women. The woman challenges Amarnath to fulfill her request, and he agrees to come back the next day with the sari. Amarnath leaves with the woman still insisting that he takes the sari with him.

Amarnath went to a shop to buy hand-spun clothes but couldn’t bring them home. He explained to Malti that a woman snatched the sari from him and said she would only give it back at his house the next day. Malti was suspicious and questioned Amarnath’s loyalty. He expressed his feelings of doubt and mistrust in their relationship, mentioning that he could be a better husband than she could be a wife.

Malti felt pity for him and agreed to go to his house the next day, but only for an hour. Amarnath was grateful and hoped that Malti would play her part well. He assured her that he had no intentions of deceiving her.

Amarnath goes to the tailor’s shop to get clothes ready and then returns home to wear his new kurta. He goes to visit Malti, who has done her makeup as if preparing for something important. Amarnath questions why she is getting ready like this, and Malti tells him he wouldn’t understand.

Amarnath mentions that they are getting late, but Malti doesn’t seem to care. Malti feels a sense of doubt and wants to confront the impending danger with strength She wants to remove the threat from her path and maintain her honor.

Malti goes to Amarnath’s house in the evening and finds it well-decorated Deviji arrives with Amarnath, and Malti and Deviji have contrasting appearances and personalities Malti criticizes Deviji for her simplicity and accuses her of not caring about the country’s welfare.

Amarnath defends Deviji and mentions that she has renounced luxury for her work. Malti expresses her belief that women are breaking free from traditional roles and seeking independence.

Deviji feels humiliated by Malti’s words and prepares to leave. Amarnath gives Deviji the sari, causing Malti to rebuke him. Malti leaves, feeling disappointed that she couldn’t win over Amarnath. Amarnath asks for the sari back, but Malti refuses and says she won’t die without him.

Munshi Premchand The Mistress of the House Summary

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