O.Henry The Harbinger Summary

The city man is aware of the arrival of spring before the yokel due to the news reported by the Associated Press. The signs of spring, such as the first robin’s warble or the budding of pussy willows, are wired into the city through news reports.

The true harbinger of spring is the heart, as seen when people seek out their loved ones. Mr. Peters, a man with a lazy and sorry reputation, has a wife who possesses a dollar bill.

Mr. Peters and his friends, Ragsy and Kidd, discuss ways to obtain the dollar. Mr. Peters attempts to manipulate his wife into giving him the dollar by pretending to have a job opportunity.

Mrs. Peters sees through his deception and leaves the room briefly, returning with sarsaparilla to help Mr. Peters feel better. Mrs. Peters sits on Mr. Peters’ lap and asks him to call her endearing names, indicating a reconciliation.

Mr. Peters reflects on his success in manipulating his wife and regrets not resorting to violence initially. Ragsy and Kidd wait for Mr. Peters to return with the dollar, unaware of his change in plans.

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