P.G. Wodehouse Aubrey’s Arrested Individuality Summary

Aubrey Devine’s wife, Adelaide Brewster Moggs, refuses to take his last name, claiming that she already has a weighty name and that adding Devine would confuse her audience.

Aubrey reluctantly agrees and loses his individuality, becoming known as “Adelaide Brewster Moggs’ husband” to the world. This bothers Aubrey, and he begins to feel disconnected from his own identity.

He tries to think of ways to make a name for himself but realizes he lacks the necessary skills or opportunities. Fate intervenes when Genevieve O’Grady enters his life.

Genevieve, despite having a seemingly enjoyable life, attempts suicide by jumping into the Hudson River. Aubrey sees this as an opportunity to become a hero and saves her.

The incident attracts media attention, and reporters recognize Aubrey as “Adelaide Brewster Moggs’ husband.”

Overall, the story explores Aubrey’s struggle with his lack of identity and his desire to be recognized independently of his wife. It also highlights the unexpected turn of events when he saves Genevieve, which brings him some recognition but still ties him to his wife’s name.

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