P.G. Wodehouse Cupid and the Paint-Brush Summary

The narrator, who is in love with Marjorie, approaches her while she is reading under a cedar tree on the tennis-lawn. They engage in a conversation about their potential relationship and marriage.

Marjorie expresses her desire to pursue painting before getting married. The narrator suggests a painting competition to determine who gets their way in the matter.

Marjorie agrees, and they both start working on their paintings. On the day of submission, Marjorie’s painting is rejected, but the narrator’s is accepted.

The narrator visits Marjorie, who is upset about her rejection. The narrator comforts her, and they confess their love for each other.

The narrator reveals that his painting was also rejected, but it doesn’t matter to them. They decide to pursue photography together instead.

Overall, the story portrays the playful and affectionate relationship between the narrator and Marjorie, as well as their shared passion for art.

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