P.G. Wodehouse The Disappearance of Podmarsh Summary

Stuyvesant Bodger, an explorer, returns from West Africa with a strange story. He claims to have seen and spoken to Robert Podmarsh, a former member of their club who disappeared many years ago. Bodger recounts his encounter with Podmarsh in a small village where a dinner was being held in his honor.

Podmarsh had been captured by natives after his shipwreck and was about to be cooked and eaten when he told a joke that made everyone laugh. This saved him from being eaten and instead, he was embraced by the tribe and given a special hut and seven wives.

Bodger reflects on the appreciation that Podmarsh found in this distant village and suggests that other jesters and speakers should follow his example or that New York should adopt the M’Pongo custom of human sacrifices.

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