Philip Roth The Conversion of the Jews Summary

Ozzie and Itzie are discussing Jesus Christ and his historical significance. Ozzie questions the belief that Jesus is the son of God and wonders why a woman can’t have a baby without intercourse. Ozzie has a history of asking challenging questions in Hebrew School, which has caused his mother to be called in twice before.

Ozzie’s mother lights candles for the Sabbath and receives a phone call while doing so. Ozzie tells his mother about his conversation with Rabbi Binder and she hits him in response. In Hebrew School, Ozzie is criticized by Rabbi Binder for not reading fast enough and is then asked to contribute to a free-discussion session but forgets what he wanted to say.

Rabbi Binder confronts Ozzie, a student, about a question he has about religion. Ozzie blurts out a question about why God can’t make anything He wants. Ozzie insults Rabbi Binder, who tries to silence him but accidentally hits him in the nose. Ozzie runs to the roof of the synagogue, followed by Rabbi Binder and the rest of the class.

Ozzie contemplates his actions and feels a sense of control and power. Rabbi Binder tries to get Ozzie down from the roof, but Yakov Blotnik, an old man, intervenes. Yakov Blotnik calls the fire department to get Ozzie down, but Rabbi Binder tries to explain there is no fire. The fireman continues to work, ignoring Rabbi Binder’s protests.

Ozzie is on the roof of a building, with Rabbi Binder and firemen trying to convince him not to jump. Ozzie had run to the roof to get away, not with the intention of jumping. The firemen set up a net on the ground to catch Ozzie if he jumps. Ozzie continues to move around the roof, flapping his arms and pretending to jump. Rabbi Binder pleads with Ozzie to come down, while some members of the crowd encourage him to jump.

Ozzie’s mother arrives and is confused about why he is on the roof. Rabbi Binder explains that Ozzie is doing it for the crowd of boys who want him to jump. Ozzie’s mother realizes that he is trying to be a martyr for the boys. The crowd continues to chant for Ozzie to be a martyr.

    Ozzie is on a roof and notices that the darker it gets, the less he can hear. Two groups of people want different things – his friends are enthusiastic about what they want, while his mother and the rabbi are more reserved about what they don’t want. Ozzie realizes that his friends want him to jump off the roof and kill himself, and they are singing about it.

    Rabbi Binder is on his knees, trembling, which adds to the strangeness of the situation. Ozzie contemplates what would happen if he jumped and wonders if it would make the singing turn into dancing. Ozzie asks his mother to get down on her knees like Rabbi Binder, and when she does, he asks everyone else to kneel as well. Ozzie then instructs them to make someone else kneel, and they comply.

      Ozzie questions Rabbi Binder and his mother about their belief in God’s abilities, specifically if God can make a child without intercourse. Everyone on the roof affirms their belief in God and Jesus Christ. Eventually, Ozzie agrees to come down from the roof after his mother promises not to hit anyone about God. Ozzie jumps into a yellow net that resembles a halo.

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