Purushottam Lal Life Summary

Is a flower of five petals.
Love’s the first
Where a lusting bee settles.
quenching thirst.

The lines suggest that life itself can be compared to a flower with five petals. The first petal represents love, which is described as a place where a lusting bee settles and quenches its thirst. In this metaphor, the bee symbolizes desire or passion, and it seeks fulfillment through love.

The lines imply that love is an essential and fundamental aspect of life. It highlights the importance of love in bringing satisfaction and fulfillment to our existence. Just as the bee is drawn to the flower to satisfy its thirst, we, as humans, are drawn to love to fulfill our emotional and romantic needs.

Furthermore, the mention of a lusting bee implies that love can be intense and passionate. It suggests that love has the power to ignite strong desires and create a sense of longing within us. The act of quenching thirst symbolizes finding solace, contentment, and fulfillment through love.

Overall, these lines beautifully capture the significance of love in our lives. They emphasize its ability to bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Love is portrayed as a vital force that adds beauty and meaning to the flower of life.

Faith is the second.
A dropping treasure
When reckoned in fastidious measures.

Those lines describe faith as the second petal of the flower. It is likened to a dropping treasure that is valued and measured with great attention to detail. The lines suggest that faith holds significant importance and is considered a precious and valuable aspect of life.

The phrase “dropping treasure” implies that faith is something that is cherished and sought after. It is seen as a valuable resource that can bring comfort, guidance, and strength. Just as a treasure is carefully measured and evaluated, faith is also examined and valued with meticulous attention.

The mention of “fastidious measures” suggests that faith is not taken lightly. It is something that is carefully considered and evaluated, perhaps even scrutinized. This implies that faith is not just blindly accepted, but rather, it is subject to scrutiny and examination.

Overall, these lines convey the significance of faith as an important element in life. They suggest that faith is a valuable treasure that is measured and valued with great care and attention. It highlights the role of faith in providing guidance, comfort, and a sense of purpose in our lives.

Hope’s a third.
Brooding breast
Where a blood-spattered bird takes rest.

The lines highlight hope as the third petal of the flower. It is described as a brooding breast, where a blood-spattered bird takes rest. These lines suggest that hope can be found in moments of turmoil and darkness.

The phrase “brooding breast” indicates that hope resides within us, in the depths of our emotions and thoughts. It implies that hope can emerge from a place of contemplation and introspection, even during challenging times.

The mention of a “blood-spattered bird” suggests that hope can be found amidst difficult or even tragic circumstances. It symbolizes resilience and the ability to find solace and renewal in the face of adversity. Just as the bird finds rest despite being blood-spattered, hope can bring comfort and strength in times of struggle.

Overall, these lines highlight the power of hope to endure and find solace in the midst of difficult situations. They emphasize the importance of holding onto hope, even when faced with challenges, as it can provide a sense of comfort and renewal.

The fourth I cannot see.
Only a limp hand
stretches endlessly for the touch of land.

These lines emphasize the absence of the fourth petal. It is described as something that cannot be seen, and instead, there is a limp hand that reaches out endlessly for the touch of land.

The phrase “limp hand” suggests a sense of longing and reaching out for something that is desired or needed. It symbolizes a yearning for stability, connection, or a sense of belonging. The hand stretches endlessly, indicating a persistent and unwavering desire to find that touch of land, which represents a sense of grounding or security.

The mention of not being able to see the fourth petal adds to the mystery and intrigue. It suggests that there may be something hidden or unknown, yet there is still a longing for it. It highlights the human desire to seek and strive for completeness, even when faced with uncertainty or the unknown.

Overall, these lines emphasize the longing for something that is not visible or tangible, but is deeply desired. They convey the idea of reaching out for stability, connection, or a sense of belonging, even when it feels elusive or out of reach.

The fifth – look
in that terrible Book.
terrible men, terribly trapped.

These lines suggest that the fifth petal is wrapped in a terrible book and that there are terrible men who are terribly trapped within its pages. The lines convey a sense of darkness and danger associated with this petal.

The phrase “wrapped in that terrible Book” implies that the fifth petal is somehow contained or hidden within a book that is described as terrible. This suggests that the petal holds some kind of knowledge or power that is both feared and respected.

The mention of “terrible men, terribly trapped” indicates that there are individuals who are trapped within the confines of this book. It implies that these men may be suffering or facing some form of imprisonment due to their association with the fifth petal.

Overall, these lines suggest that the fifth petal is connected to a book that is considered terrible, and there are individuals who are trapped or affected by its contents. It conveys a sense of mystery, darkness, and potential danger associated with this petal and the book it is wrapped in.

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