Question and Answers for Jon Silkin Caring For Animals

Why do animals have “bitter eyes” ?
Ans:- The animals have “bitter eyes” because they are abused and mistreated by human beings.

What are the qualities that develop in a person by caring for animals ?
Ans:- The qualities that developed in a person by caring for animals is to be merciful and compassionate towards the environment. Man will start to enhance his quality of love towards animals and a bond of “human animal” occurs. The “human animal” is suggestive of the balance relationship between a man and animals. Man will shower his mercy and love upon animals that will be reciprocated by animals to man. This in turn helps man to generate love and empathy not only towards animals but also to other fellow human beings. The love continues to grow in a continuum process.

Who does Jon Silkin question in the poem ?
Ans :- Jon Silkin questioned the skies and the serene blue water in the poem.

What is the “human animal” ?

Ans:- The “human animal” refers to the balance relationship between man and animals or the world of nature. The compassion a man develop for the animals produce greater love for humanity and its living environment.

What is Jon Silkin’s message in the poem, Caring for Animals ?

Ans:- Jon Silkin messaged in the poem “Caring for Animals” is to propagate the mistreatment faced by animals under the hands of man. He cites various examples to justify that the “small animals” had “bitter eyes” and he wondered the reason why one should cater a care for them. He was indirectly pointing out that these animals suffered from mistreatment and hence they had a “bitter eyes”.
On the other hand, Silkin wanted to raise awareness on the pain inflicted by man on animals. He pointed out the “procession of grey shades” which reflects the bruises or marks on the body of the animals. He also pointed out the helplessness of animals who were unable to translate their sufferings through human language. He stated that the dogs showed their agonies through “clipped ears” and “whimpering” while the “horses” started to wheeze out of pain because of the carriages being pulled by them. Lastly, Silkin had a strong message in the poem which is to give equal rights to animals who has the same right to live independently as a man. He stated that the “rearing green earth should be kindlier than this” instituting the equality of animals within God’s creation.

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