R.K. Narayan Attila Summary

The dog was named “Attila” because the owners wanted a strong and formidable dog to protect their home from burglaries and thefts. The owners found a dog fancier who assured them that the puppy had a pedigree with ferocious bloodlines.

Despite Attila’s unimpressive appearance and lack of playfulness, the owners admired him and had a prolonged debate about what to name him. As Attila grew older, he exhibited a love for humanity that was disconcerting to his owners.

The owners delved into ancient history to find out what the historical Attila the Hun was like as a child, hoping that their dog would eventually show his true nature.

However, Attila remained friendly towards all visitors to the house, showing no signs of aggression. The owners were disappointed with Attila’s lack of protective behavior and considered changing his name to “Blind Worm.”

The mother of the family complained about Attila’s large appetite and lack of action against flower thieves. The youngest family member defended Attila, stating that he was vigilant at night and prowled around the house.

The mother suggested locking Attila up at night to prevent him from potentially aiding burglars. The dog justifies the mother’s concerns by being noiseless during a burglary that occurred that night.

Ranga, a gang cooly lives in a hut near town and occasionally engaged in breaking into houses to steal valuables. One night, while attempting a burglary, he encountered a dog named Attila who unexpectedly befriended him instead of barking. Attila followed Ranga everywhere, much to Ranga’s annoyance, but their companionship led to a series of events that ultimately exposed Ranga as a thief.

Attila’s disappearance caused a stir in the household, with some suspecting foul play involving the dog. However, Attila’s loyalty and detective skills were revealed when he helped catch Ranga in the act of stealing jewelry. The young man of the house recognized the stolen items, leading to Ranga’s capture by the police. Attila was hailed as a hero for his role in exposing the thief, and even the lady of the house praised his cunning abilities.

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