R.K. Narayan The Financial Expert Summary

The novel is divided into five parts. Each of the parts will be summarised.

Part One

The protagonist, Margayya, is known by everyone in his village by that name, but he was actually named after the god Krishna. Margayya helps people in financial trouble by showing them the way to obtain loans from the cooperative bank. The Central Cooperative Land Mortgage Bank in Malgudi was built in honor of a famous Registrar of Cooperative Societies who had devoted his life to cooperation. Margayya operates his business under a banyan tree near the bank, where he assists villagers in acquiring loan application forms and navigating the bank’s bureaucracy.

Margayya keeps parallel accounts for many members of the bank and helps them secure loans by persuading them of the benefits. Margayya’s wife convinces him to get glasses to correct his long-sightedness, and he eventually accepts them. Margayya helps a villager named Kanda borrow money for his daughter’s wedding, despite Kanda’s gambling and drinking habits. Margayya suggests a joint-loan for Kanda, but the villagers are hesitant to sign due to the risks involved. Margayya argues that the dowry system is responsible for financial ruin and shares his own experience of his father’s wealth being depleted by dowries for his three sisters.

Margayya, a financial wizard, engages in complex transactions involving loans and interest rates. He convinces Mallanna to accept a joint-loan and offers to help him secure it. Margayya positions himself as the central figure in these transactions and charges fees for his services. Margayya’s house is divided between him and his brother, with a common backyard and well. Margayya’s son injures himself while playing with a lamp, causing a commotion in the household. Margayya’s wife criticizes him for not taking better care of their son. The wife applies ointment to the child’s injured finger, and the child asks for a toy elephant and a peppermint.

Margayya reflects on his son Balu’s mischievous behavior and admits that he could have prevented him from hurting himself but chose to observe instead. Margayya’s wife blames him for the trouble and expresses her frustration with managing Balu, who constantly runs out of the house and causes her distress. Margayya defends his son and wishes he could stay at home to take care of him instead of working. Balu demands attention and refuses to let anyone near him after burning his finger, insisting on being carried and given peppermints.

Margayya spends the morning nursing Balu’s finger and giving him peppermints, while his wife expresses concern that he will make the child sick. Balu prevents Margayya from doing his usual tasks at home, causing him to be late for work at the Co-operative Bank. Balu becomes angry when Margayya leaves, prompting neighbors to comment on the negative consequences of spoiling children. The neighbor on the other side of the wall, who has ten children, criticizes Margayya for indulging Balu.

Margayya, without much money, is visited by Arul Doss, a servant from the Co-operative Bank. Arul Doss informs Margayya that the Secretary of the bank wants to see him. Margayya is initially indignant and questions why he should go see the Secretary. Arul Doss mentions that the Secretary receives a high salary, which angers Margayya. Margayya asserts that he will soon have more money than the Secretary and invites him to come to him for any improvements.

Margayya and Arul Doss share a laugh, but Margayya still feels disrespected by the bank. Villagers come to Margayya for consultation and express their frustrations with the bank. Margayya scolds the villagers for their lack of self-respect and tells them they are the masters of the bank. Margayya deals with various clients and eventually closes his office for the day. As Margayya is about to leave, a man in a brown suit confronts him about having bank application forms. Margayya defends himself and demands the man put the papers back. Arul Doss reveals that the man is the Secretary and threatens to involve the police. Margayya stands up to the Secretary and warns him not to play tricks with him.

Arul Doss, the Secretary, and Margayya are engaged in a confrontation. Margayya successfully asserts himself and gets the loan application forms back from the Secretary. Margayya reflects on his appearance and feels inferior to others. Margayya faces ridicule and contempt from others as he walks home. Margayya returns home to his wife and child, who are not pleased with his early return. Margayya buys sweets for his son to pacify him. Margayya discusses the events of the day with his wife and expresses his desire for wealth and respect. Margayya gains confidence and plans to improve his life and status with money.

Margayya, the protagonist, is agitated and feels like he has made a startling discovery. Despite his agitation, Margayya goes to work and dresses up in a lace-edged dhoti that he had kept folded in his box. Margayya reminisces about his wedding day and how he felt honored and esteemed. He reflects on his relationship with his brother and the troubles caused by women who cannot tolerate each other. Margayya’s wife is amused by his gaudy attire and he takes pleasure in venomously mentioning giving his discarded dhoti to Arul Doss.

Margayya feels a new existence opening up before him and conducts his business standing up instead of squatting under a tree. He talks about his desire to help people with their money troubles and criticizes the Co-operative Bank. Arul Doss approaches and Margayya confronts him aggressively, causing discomfort for Arul Doss. Arul Doss denies trying to bother Margayya and assures him that he can carry on as he likes. Margayya dismisses Arul Doss and expresses his disdain for both Arul Doss and the person who gives him orders.

Margayya, the protagonist, is obsessed with thoughts of money and views himself as a savior of mankind. He believes that money is essential for survival and that without it, people become like beasts. Margayya encounters beggars asking for money to bury an orphan’s body and realizes that people will do anything for money. He reflects on the power and dynamism of money, observing how people work hard and make sacrifices for it.

Margayya dreams of wealth and success, envisioning a better life for his family, including his son who he hopes will become an aristocrat. He meets a priest who he believes can give him advice, and they engage in casual conversation about various topics. Margayya accompanies the priest to a house where a religious ritual is taking place, and he observes the seriousness and devotion of the family. He compares the behavior of the children in the house to his own son, feeling a sense of superiority and a desire to spoil his child. Margayya questions why he is spending time with the priest instead of going home, and he contemplates the child’s condition and age.

Margayya followed the priest through the silent streets late at night, discussing the importance of performing Poojas for the well-being of others. The priest narrated the story of Markandeya, a boy devotee who defeated death through his devotion. Margayya hesitated to ask for advice on acquiring wealth, fearing the priest’s response. The priest emphasized the need for single-minded prayer for wealth. Margayya, overwhelmed with fear and superstition, abruptly left the temple, relieved to escape the eerie atmosphere.

The protagonist is hesitant to knock on his own door, fearing that his wife and son will be awakened. He feels that something is wrong and suspects that someone named Arul Doss has cast a spell on him. The protagonist’s wife lets him in and questions him about his late arrival. Once inside, the protagonist regains his assertiveness and ignores his wife. The protagonist washes himself and looks lovingly at his sleeping son.

The wife waits for him in the kitchen and they have a silent dinner.The protagonist has nightmares about the priest, the secretary, and Arul Doss. The son wakes up from the protagonist’s cry and the commotion wakes up the wife. The protagonist searches for an intruder and the son cries and clings to his mother. The neighbors comment on the constant trouble in the protagonist’s house. The protagonist examines his accounts and his son interrupts him. The son spills ink on the protagonist’s account book, causing him to become angry.

The protagonist grabs the boy and the wife rushes to his aid. The boy runs away with the account book and the protagonist chases after him. The boy throws the book into a gutter and it is lost. A crowd gathers and sympathizes with the protagonist. The crowd criticizes the protagonist for his treatment of the boy. The protagonist feels overwhelmed by society’s judgment. The crowd follows the boy and the protagonist is left alone. The protagonist tries to poke the gutter with a stick but fails. A school-master suggests calling a scavenger to search for the book. The protagonist returns home and complains about the nosy neighbors.

Margayya faced endless complications due to the loss of his little book, affecting his business transactions and interactions with customers. Despite trying to conceal the loss, suspicions arose among his clients. Margayya’s attempt to deceive Kali, a customer, failed, leading to a confrontation. Margayya’s visit to the temple provided a temporary escape from his troubles, offering a sense of peace and detachment from his worries. The priest’s words prompted Margayya to reflect on his life and the challenges he faced. Margayya’s interaction with the priest highlighted his financial downfall and the loss he experienced in his banking operations. The priest’s simple yet profound statements made Margayya ponder his situation and the cyclical nature of life’s challenges. Margayya’s internal monologue revealed his frustrations, insecurities, and strained relationship with his wife.

The protagonist, Margayya, obediently follows the instructions of a priest without questioning. Margayya feels proud when the priest praises his performance and realizes that he has been hungry without realizing it due to his worries. Margayya begins to feel a sense of harmony and importance after consuming food and talking to the priest. Margayya starts demanding material possessions and believes that he deserves wealth and prosperity. The priest suggests that Margayya wants the favor of both the Goddess of Wealth and the Goddess of Knowledge. Margayya feels powerful and important when he learns that the Goddesses are fighting over him.

Margayya expresses his desire to buy knowledge and gifts with his wealth. The priest laughs at Margayya’s statement and asks to see his horoscope. Margayya is disappointed when the priest tells him to bring his horoscope the next day. Margayya’s wife questions his urgency and refuses to give him his horoscope. Margayya’s son, Balu, interrupts his search for the horoscope. Margayya promises to buy Balu biscuits and chocolates and plans to send him to school. Margayya reminisces about his family’s history and finds horoscopes of potential brides for himself and his brother. Margayya feels a sudden tenderness towards his wife, Meena, when he finds their horoscopes.

Margayya was deeply engrossed in horoscopes, particularly his son’s and his own. He sought advice from a priest who instructed him to propitiate Saturn for good fortune. Margayya, despite his initial hesitation, agreed to follow the priest’s guidance diligently. He was advised to perform rituals and prayers, with the hope of gaining favor from Saturn. Margayya’s wife was puzzled by his sudden activities and the transformation of their living space into a sacred area.

Margayya’s secretive behavior and adherence to the priest’s instructions raised questions about his intentions, leading his wife to speculate about alchemy and black magic. Margayya’s preparations for the rituals involved specific offerings and a strict diet, which he instructed his wife to manage with the last of their money. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the priest’s advice and the rituals, Margayya remained determined to follow through with the prescribed actions, hoping for positive outcomes.

Margayya began his rites at the full moon, following specific instructions from a priest. He embarked on a quest for a red lotus, ghee from a smoke-colored cow, and an antelope skin. Despite initial doubts, he encountered a journalist in a secluded garden who helped him obtain the lotus. Margayya’s journey was filled with challenges and uncertainties, but he persevered in his pursuit of wealth and spiritual fulfillment. The encounter with the journalist provided a moment of respite and reflection in the midst of his arduous quest.

Margayya meets a journalist who is also an author and they discuss their professions. The journalist reveals that he writes books in his spare time and has written four so far. Margayya is impressed by the journalist’s dedication to writing and asks about his books. The journalist explains that his books are about sociology and mentions one titled “Bed-Life or the Science of Marital Happiness.” Margayya is intrigued by the subject matter of the book and the journalist’s aim to create happiness in the world. The journalist reveals that he is not married and explains that he left his partner due to her unfaithfulness. Margayya expresses sympathy for the journalist’s situation and the journalist assures him that reading his book can prevent similar tragedies.

Margayya immersed himself in prayer for days, repeating a sacred verse to the Goddess. He wore red silk, smeared ash on his body, and was filled with a sense of holiness. His wife obediently prepared offerings, and he focused on achieving difficult tasks. Thoughts of wealth and power consumed him, especially regarding acquiring his brother’s house. After forty days of intense prayer, he emerged transformed physically and spiritually, looking venerable and feeling triumphant despite the toll on his body.

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