Rabindranath Tagore The Home-Coming Summary

Phatik Chakravarti is the leader of the village boys and comes up with a plan to shift a heavy log for fun. Makhan, Phatik’s younger brother, sits on the log and refuses to move, angering Phatik. Phatik decides to roll the log with Makhan on it, causing Makhan to get hurt and angry.

A stranger arrives and asks Phatik for directions to the Chakravarti’s house, but Phatik is unhelpful. Phatik’s mother scolds him for hitting Makhan, but Phatik denies it and Makhan lies to support him. The stranger is revealed to be Phatik and Makhan’s uncle, who offers to take Phatik to Calcutta for education.

Phatik eagerly agrees to go, and his mother is relieved to get rid of him. Phatik arrives in Calcutta and is unwelcome in his aunt’s house, feeling neglected and longing for his village home. Phatik struggles in school and yearns to go back home, but must wait for the holidays.

Phatik loses his lesson book and struggles to prepare his lessons without it. The teacher punishes him harshly, causing him to become miserable and ostracized by his cousins. Phatik confesses to his aunt that he lost his book, but she berates him for expecting her to buy him new books.

Phatik develops a headache and fever, fearing he will be a burden to his aunt. Phatik goes missing, prompting a search by his family and eventually involving the police. Phatik is found drenched and feverish, and Bishambar carries him home. Phatik’s condition worsens, and he becomes delirious, calling out for his mother.

Bishambar sends for Phatik’s mother, and the doctor expresses concern for his critical condition. Phatik’s mother arrives and cries for her son, who briefly responds before losing consciousness. Phatik’s mother continues to mourn, and Phatik’s final words indicate his belief that the holidays have arrived.

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