Razia Khan Monstrous Biped Summary

The low whimper
Of a street-dog
Hit by an unmindful wagon
Stabs like a knife
Stays with me like a scar
Left by bullets.

These lines suggest a sense of empathy and an emotional impact. The speaker describes the sound of a street dog whimpering after being hit by an unmindful wagon. The comparison of the sound to a knife stabbing and the lasting impression it leaves, like a scar from bullets, conveys the intensity of the emotional response.

The lines suggest that the speaker is deeply affected by the suffering of others, particularly the pain and vulnerability of the street dog. The use of vivid imagery and powerful comparisons highlights the lasting impact of witnessing such an event.

Overall, these lines emphasize the speaker’s sensitivity and compassion towards the suffering of others, and the lingering emotional impact that such experiences can have. It serves as a reminder of the importance of empathy and the lasting effects of witnessing or hearing about acts of cruelty or harm.

The more defenceless
The creature the more
The cruelty; indifference.
If the dog could show his teeth,
Dig them into the eyes of the killer,
He might learn to be human.

These lines describe the idea that the more defenseless a creature is, the more likely it is to experience cruelty and indifference. The speaker suggests that if the dog, despite being defenseless, could retaliate and show aggression towards its attacker by digging its teeth into the attacker eyes, it might teach the attacker a lesson in empathy and humanity.

The lines highlight the unequal power dynamics that exist in the world, where those who are vulnerable and defenseless often become targets of cruelty. The speaker implies that if the dog had the ability to defend itself, it could potentially change the mindset of the cruel person and make them more compassionate.

Overall, these lines emphasize the injustice and imbalance of power that can lead to acts of cruelty, while also suggesting that standing up against such cruelty may have the potential to foster empathy and understanding in the perpetrator.

The monstrous biped
Rides your chest
As soon as you stop to rest;
This constant watch tries me;
I would rather breathe a little
Love, laugh, bask in the sun
And in goodness guaranteed.

These lines highlight the feeling of being constantly burdened or oppressed by the demands and pressures of life. The speaker describes this burden as a monstrous biped that sits on her chest whenever she tries to take a moment to rest. This imagery conveys a sense of suffocation and the inability to find peace or respite.

The speaker expresses her desires to break free from this constant watch and instead, prioritize simple joys and positive experiences. She longs to breathe a little, to love, to laugh, and to bask in the sun. These activities symbolize a desire for happiness, relaxation, and a break from the weight of responsibilities.

Overall, these lines emphasize the importance of finding balance in life and prioritizing one’s well-being and enjoyment. It suggests a longing for a life that is not dominated by constant pressure and stress, but instead filled with moments of love, laughter, and contentment.

Instead I have to point my gun
At men who would have me kneel
At their dirty feet
Or women who would steal
My peace if I stopped to blink.

These lines highlight the speaker’s feeling of being forced to defend herself against those who seek to oppress or take advantage of her. The speaker mentions having to point her gun at men who want to make her submissive or kneel and women who would disrupt her peace if she let her guard down.

The imagery of pointing a gun suggests a metaphorical stance of resistance and self-defense. It conveys the idea that the speaker feels compelled to protect herself from those who would try to exert power over her or take away her peace of mind.

These lines highlight the speaker’s determination to stand up against those who would seek to exploit or control her. It speaks to the challenges she faces in maintaining her autonomy and finding peace in a world where she constantly feels the need to be on guard.

Overall, these lines emphasize the speaker’s refusal to submit to oppression or allow others to disrupt her peace. It reflects her resilience and willingness to defend herself in the face of adversity.

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