Rohinton Mistry Such a Long Journey Summary Chapter 21-22

Chapter Twenty One

I– The people of the neighborhood are preparing for a march to the municipal ward office to protest against various issues such as overflowing sewers, broken water-pipes, pot-holed pavements, corruption, and more. People from different professions and backgrounds are joining the march, united by their common enemy. Dr. Paymaster initially tries to explain that municipal corruption is a manifestation of larger issues in the country, but his neighbors don’t fully understand and want to take action against the immediate problems. Dr. Paymaster and Peerbhoy Paanwalla eventually join the march, convinced by their friends and neighbors that their presence will bring respectability to the cause. Participants in the march are instructed to wear work clothes and carry their work implements to display their grievances. Handcarts are loaded with samples of sludge, filth, crumbling concrete, and rodent specimens to be emptied at the municipal office building. Banners and placards are made, slogans are rehearsed, and the police are informed of the march’s route. The march will start near the House of Cages and proceed to the municipal offices, where a gherao (blockade) will take place until the neighborhood’s demands are met. Dr. Paymaster hesitates to empty his medical bag, but ultimately decides to keep it with him. Dr. Paymaster and Peerbhoy emerge to applause from the waiting crowd, ready to embark on the march.

II– Dilnavaz checks the death announcements in the newspaper but doesn’t find any familiar names. She notices a funeral announcement for J. Bilimoria and wonders if it could be their Jimmy. Dilnavaz and Gustad discuss the possibility but decide it’s probably someone else with the same name. Gustad decides to go to the Tower of Silence to attend the funeral, just in case it is their Jimmy. Gustad reflects on the funeral and is grateful to whoever arranged and paid for it. He goes to the registration clerk to find out who arranged the funeral but is met with suspicion and resistance. The clerk is tired of dealing with strange requests and complaints, including one about vultures dropping meat on balconies. There is a debate between reformists and orthodox groups about the traditional method of disposing of bodies. The clerk is unable to provide any information about the funeral arrangements and becomes frustrated with Gustad’s questions. Gustad leaves and notices a taxi driver who resembles Jimmy.

III– Malcolm Saldanha is studying plans and drawings for a project that he will supervise. He finds his job boring but is grateful for the steady income it provides. Malcolm reflects on the harsh and merciless nature of the city and the lack of discipline in today’s society. He expresses concern about the gradual disappearance of beautiful music and the decline of Western classical music in the city. Malcolm is thankful for cultural centers and organizations that keep music alive. He is reminded of a past incident where a projects supervisor demolished the wrong structure and lost his pension. Malcolm focuses on reading the project file carefully to avoid any mistakes. He meets the crew, collects equipment, and prepares for the project. Malcolm takes a tea break in the canteen before heading to the project location. The name of the building, Khodadad Building, triggers a familiar memory in Malcolm’s mind, but he can’t fully recall it. Malcolm’s mind becomes occupied with immediate planning details as the lorry sets off.

IV– Sohrab visits his father’s office regularly and is greeted by his mother, Dilnavaz, with joy and relief. Dilnavaz expresses concern about Sohrab’s weight loss due to lack of proper nourishment. Sohrab is hesitant to come face to face with his father and is worried about what could be wrong that kept him away from work. Dilnavaz informs Sohrab about the shocking news of Major Uncle’s murder, expressing her anger towards the government. Sohrab asks about his father’s whereabouts and Dilnavaz tells him about the funeral announcement. Dilnavaz asks Sohrab to talk to his father nicely when he returns. Sohrab feels that his father is no longer interested in him and believes they will start fighting as usual. Dilnavaz reassures Sohrab that his father will always love him and want the best for him. Dilnavaz insists that things have changed and asks Sohrab to trust her. Sohrab agrees to talk to his father, but remains distant and unsure.

V– Gustad recognizes Ghulam Mohammed as the man who arranged Jimmy’s funeral. Ghulam Mohammed is emotional and weeps over Jimmy’s loss. Gustad feels guilty for not allowing Ghulam inside the Tower of Silence. Ghulam expresses gratitude to Gustad for attending the funeral.Gustad questions why Ghulam didn’t inform him about Jimmy’s death. Ghulam explains that he didn’t want to bother Gustad and promised it was the last time. Ghulam offers to drive Gustad home for free. Gustad learns that Ghulam works for RAW and takes on different roles as necessary. Ghulam plans to seek revenge for Jimmy’s death and believes staying in RAW gives him a better chance. Ghulam mentions various possibilities for seeking revenge, including targeting the car manufacturer or someone who dislikes Jimmy’s mother. Gustad is frightened by Ghulam’s talk of revenge. Gustad decides that he prefers to remember Ghulam in his moment of grief. Gustad and Ghulam part ways, knowing they will never meet again.

Chapter Twenty Two

I -Malcolm Saldanha arrives at Khodadad Building and realizes the significance of the painted wall.The pavement artist, upon hearing the news, becomes distraught and gathers his belongings. Malcolm proceeds with the court order to repeal the landlord’s injunction and begins the demolition process. The morcha, a protest march, enters the scene with banners and slogans against the municipality’s bullying.The marchers pause before the wall to pray and show reverence to the various religious figures depicted on it. Malcolm’s decision to demolish the wall angers the morcha, who view it as a sacred place of worship. The morcha directors plead with Malcolm not to destroy the wall, emphasizing its importance to multiple religions. Malcolm explains that he is merely following orders from the municipality, causing further anger towards the government. The mukaadam and other laborers express their dilemma of following orders to keep their jobs or standing up for their religious beliefs. Hydraulic Hema, a member of the House of Cages delegation, threatens Malcolm and his men with violence if they damage the wall. The men are left speechless and embarrassed, and a brief silence falls over the scene.

II– Gustad is hurrying home after seeing a large crowd and strict police presence in the streets. He sees Hydraulic Hema wielding a razor-sharp instrument and wonders why Malcolm is in the middle of the commotion. Gustad spots Tehmul, a pavement artist, and is relieved that he is safe inside the compound. Tehmul is excited by the chaos and tells Gustad about the big machine and the shouting. Gustad learns that the pavement artist is being forced to give up his wall due to construction. Dr. Paymaster, who is also in the crowd, tells Gustad about the confrontation between the morcha and the construction workers.Gustad asks Inspector Bamji if he can persuade the people to calm down, but the inspector refuses. Sohrab, Gustad’s son, appears and avoids eye contact with his father. Tehmul repeats a vulgar phrase, causing a reaction from the others present. Malcolm reveals that he is in charge of the project and has informed the municipality about the situation. Gustad advises Malcolm to stay in the compound for safety, but Malcolm insists on returning to the crowds. Old Cavasji expresses frustration with the constant trouble in the area. The confrontation between the morcha and the workers escalates into a violent fight. Gustad worries about Malcolm and Dr. Paymaster, while Inspector Bamji compares the situation to a test match.

III– The construction workers and the morcha crowd engage in a violent clash, using various weapons and projectiles. Tehmul, a disabled man, becomes fascinated by the chaos and ventures outside to join in the “game.” Despite warnings, Tehmul is struck by a brick and falls unconscious. Dr. Paymaster arrives and attempts to save Tehmul, but it becomes clear that he cannot be saved. Gustad carries Tehmul’s body to his flat, where he prepares him for burial. Gustad prays over Tehmul’s body, expressing his grief and sorrow. Sohrab, Gustad’s son, arrives and they share a moment of comfort and understanding.

Iv– Malcolm is in shock after being hit in the face by sewer sludge and slime, which contained rotting rats. He is worried about catching the plague and refuses Gustad’s offer to wash up. Malcolm suspects that the incident was a plot by the municipal government and expresses his frustration with the police. The workers continue their work on the pavement, chiseling out mortar between stone slabs and unloading gravel and sand. The first block of black stone with the Trimurti is levered off and crashes to the ground. The pavement artist, grateful for Gustad’s hospitality, decides to leave and takes some twigs from Gustad’s tree for his dental health. The artist believes that in a world where roadside latrines become temples and temples become ruins, it doesn’t matter where he goes. The artist leaves, taking his box of crayons and leaving behind his oil paints and brushes. Gustad catches his trampled prayer cap, which the artist tosses towards the gate. Gustad enters his flat, slaps the prayer cap against his leg to remove dry mud, and begins removing the paper covering the ventilators. A frightened moth flies out as Gustad tears away the first sheet of paper.

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