Ruskin Bond The Funeral Summary

The boy’s father has passed away and his funeral is taking place. The boy is silent and emotionless, sitting alone in a dark corner. The boy’s mother is absent and he hasn’t seen her in years.

The house is filled with people offering condolences, but the boy remains distant. The funeral procession takes the father’s coffin to the cemetery.

The boy watches from a window and then follows the mourners from a distance. The boy reflects on his father’s love for nature and their walks together.

He contemplates the eternal rest of the deceased in the cemetery. The boy questions the purpose of death and wonders if God has a plan for the deceased.

The funeral service concludes and the coffin is lowered into the grave. The boy imagines his own death and how he might find a way to escape it. The mourners leave and the boy is left alone, feeling both weak and alone.

He longs for his father’s presence and seeks comfort in his memory. The boy walks away from the cemetery, determined to find a way to overcome death.

Ruskin Bond The Room of Many Colours Summary

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