Summary of Chinua Achebe Butterfly Poem

Speed is violence Power is violence Weight is violence

These lines describe the idea that speed, power, and weight can be seen as forms of violence. It suggests that the pursuit of these qualities can lead to harm or aggression. It invites us to reflect on the potential negative consequences of valuing these attributes above others.

The butterfly seeks safety in lightness In weightless, undulating flight

These lines suggest that the butterfly finds safety and freedom in being light and weightless. The imagery of its flight being undulating and weightless implies a sense of grace and ease. It highlights the butterfly’s ability to navigate the world with agility and delicacy.

But at a crossroads where mottled light From trees falls on a brash new highway Our convergent territories meet

At the crossroads, where the dappled light filters through the trees onto the bold new highway, our paths intersect and our territories converge. These lines highlight the meeting point between two different worlds or perspectives, where diverse experiences and journeys come together. It symbolizes a moment of connection and potential collaboration.

I come power-packed enough for two find the gentle butterfly offers
Itself in bright yellow sacrifice Upon my hard silicon shield.

These lines emphasize the contrasting nature between the speaker, who feels powerful and strong, and the gentle butterfly. The speaker sees themselves as “power-packed enough for two,” suggesting their strength and resilience. On the other hand, the butterfly, known for its delicate and fragile nature, offers itself as a sacrifice, symbolized by its bright yellow color, upon the speaker’s hard silicon shield. This highlights the juxtaposition of strength and vulnerability, as well as the potential for sacrifice in the pursuit of power.

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