Summary of Chinua Achebe Love Cycle

At dawn slowly
the sun withdraws his
long misty arms of
embrace. Happy lovers

These lines suggest the peaceful and tender moment of dawn, as the sun gently retreats its misty embrace. It symbolizes the end of the night and the beginning of a new day, evoking a sense of tranquility and contentment. The mention of “happy lovers” further adds to the romantic and serene atmosphere, hinting at the beauty and joy that can be found in nature’s embrace.

whose exertions leave
no aftertaste nor slush
of love’s combustion; Earth
perfumed in dewdrop
fragrance wakes

These lines describe the pure and refreshing beauty of the Earth as it awakens in the morning. The imagery of “perfumed in dewdrop fragrance” conveys the delicate scent and freshness that fills the air. It suggests a sense of renewal and purity, as if the Earth is starting anew with each dawn. The mention of “no aftertaste nor slush of love’s combustion” implies that this natural beauty is not tainted by any lingering emotions or residue, but rather exists in its own pristine state.

to whispers of
soft-eyed light…
Later he
will wear out his temper
ploughing the vast acres
of heaven and take it

These lines emphasize the tireless and determined nature of the protagonist. Despite the peaceful and gentle moments described earlier, the protagonist is depicted as someone who will work diligently and tirelessly, “ploughing the vast acres of heaven,” to achieve their goals. It suggests a sense of ambition and perseverance, highlighting the protagonist’s willingness to put in the effort and overcome challenges to attain what they desire.

Themes in Chinua Achebe Love Cycle

out of her in burning
darts of anger. Long
accustomed to such caprice
she waits patiently

These lines highlight the patience and understanding of a character who is accustomed to dealing with someone’s bursts of anger. Despite being on the receiving end of burning darts of anger, this character remains composed and waits patiently. It suggests a level of resilience and maturity in handling difficult situations, showcasing their ability to maintain composure and not let anger affect their own demeanor.

for evening when thoughts
of another night will
restore his mellowness
and her power
over him.

These lines project a sense of anticipation and longing for the evening, when thoughts of another night will bring a sense of calmness and restore the protagonist’s mellowness. It also suggests that this evening time holds a certain power over the protagonist, possibly indicating the influence of someone else in their life. The lines evoke a sense of yearning for the peacefulness and connection that the evening brings.

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Themes in Chinua Achebe Love Cycle

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