Summary of Edgar Guest The Things That Haven’t Been Done Before

The things that haven’t been done before,
Those are the things to try;
Columbus dreamed of an unknown shore
At the rim of the far-flung sky,
And his heart was bold and his faith was strong
As he ventured in dangers new,
And he paid no heed to the jeering throng
Or the fears of the doubting crew.

These lines describe the importance of embracing new experiences and taking risks. The speaker use the example of Columbus, who had a dream of discovering an unknown shore beyond the sky’s horizon. Despite facing ridicule and doubt from others, Columbus’s boldness and unwavering faith allowed him to venture into uncharted territory. The lines convey the message that in order to achieve something extraordinary, one must be willing to step outside their comfort zone and ignore the negativity of others.

The many will follow the beaten track
With guideposts on the way.
They live and have lived for ages back
With a chart for every day.
Someone has told them it’s safe to go
On the road he has traveled o’er,
And all that they ever strive to know
Are the things that were known before.

These lines highlight the tendency of many people to stick to the familiar and follow the well-trodden path. They rely on guideposts and charts that have been established by others who have gone before them. Rather than seeking new knowledge or experiences, they are content with what is already known. The lines suggest that some individuals prefer the safety of the known over the uncertainty of the unknown.

A few strike out without map or chart,
Where never a man has been,
From the beaten path they draw apart
To see what no man has seen.
There are deeds they hunger alone to do;
Though battered and bruised and sore,
They blaze the path for the many, who
Do nothing not done before

These lines suggest that a few individuals are willing to venture into the unknown, without any guidance or established path. They have a hunger to accomplish deeds that have never been done before, even if it means facing challenges and hardships along the way. By blazing their own trails and exploring uncharted territory, they pave the way for others to follow and break free from the limitations of doing only what has been done before.

The things that haven’t been done before
Are the tasks worthwhile today;
Are you one of the flock that follows, or
Are you one that shall lead the way?
Are you one of the timid souls that quail
At the jeers of a doubting crew,
Or dare you, whether you win or fail,
Strike out for a goal that’s new?

These lines emphasize the importance of being a leader rather than a follower. They question whether you are someone who simply follows the crowd or if you have the courage to pave your own path. The lines challenge those who are timid and easily discouraged by the doubts and jeers of others. Instead, they encourage you to dare greatly and pursue new goals, regardless of the outcome. It’s about embracing the unknown and taking risks to achieve something truly worthwhile.

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