Summary of On the Beach at Night by Walt Whitman

The poem opens up with the autumn season at night on the beach with a daughter and a father gazing towards the east. 

The dark clouds gradually grips the entire sky with darkness engulfing the constellation of stars and galaxies in the sky. The stars and constellations diminishes from the sky as the dark clouds eclipses in between. Yet there are some constellations of stars that is still visible in the east that has not been eclipsed by the dark clouds. The lord star Jupiter is visible in the sky toward the east as well as the constellations of stars knows as Pleiades swimming around above the Jupiter. 

The child tells her father sadly that the dark clouds is going to engulf the shining bright stars. She weeps silently. 

The father tells her daughter not to cry. He kisses her to remover the tears and sadness from her face. The dark clouds cannot rejoice for a long period of time states the father to her daughter. These clouds only shades in apparition or are eclipsing the brightness of the stars and it would not endure it for a longer period of time. The lord star Jupiter and the sister Pleiades will emerge again the another night since they are immortal and eternal. These stars that emit different shades of light including silvery and golden in colour shall emit their light again to the world the other night. These great and little stars endure such darkness and they will emit their light again for they are immortal and they will shine again. 

The father interrogates the daughter is she is mourning for the Jupiter considering that she herself is alone at the burial of the stars at night. 

The father tells her that there is something , in parenthesis he states with his lips soothing giving her the suggestion that the problems and difficulties sway back and forth in human life. He goes on to say that there is something that is more immortal than the stars itself. The dead body of a human gets decay and passes away with the passage of time but there is something that ensures forever and it is eternal even then the lustrous Jupiter and the radiant stars of Pleiades. The father means to suggest to his daughter that the soul remains immortal and it is eternal even than the stars.

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