Summary of Walt Whitman Prayer of Columbus

My terminus near,
The clouds already closing in upon me,
The voyage balk’d—the course disputed, lost,
I yield my ships to Thee.

These lines seem to describe a sense of surrender and acceptance in the face of adversity. The speaker acknowledges that their journey has come to an end, with clouds symbolizing challenges and obstacles closing in. They are relinquishing control and offering their ships, representing their efforts and plans, to a higher power or fate. It reflects a willingness to let go and trust in something beyond their own control. It’s a beautiful expression of resilience and surrender in the face of life’s uncertainties.

Steersman unseen! henceforth the helms are Thine;
Take Thou command—(what to my petty skill Thy navigation?)
My hands, my limbs grow nerveless;
My brain feels rack’d, bewilder’d; Let the old timbers part—I will not part!
I will cling fast to Thee, O God, though the waves buffet me;
Thee, Thee, at least, I know.

These lines suggest a deep sense of surrender and trust in a higher power. The speaker acknowledges that they are not capable of navigating their own life’s journey and instead relinquishes control to the unseen “Steersman,” which could be interpreted as God or a divine force. They express a willingness to let go of their own limited abilities and rely on the guidance and support of this higher power. Despite feeling overwhelmed and uncertain, the speaker resolves to hold onto their faith and trust in God, even in the face of adversity. It conveys a profound sense of reliance and devotion to something greater than oneself.

Is it the prophet’s thought I speak, or am I raving?
What do I know of life? what of myself?
I know not even my own work, past or present;
Dim, ever-shifting guesses of it spread before me,
Of newer, better worlds, their mighty parturition,
Mocking, perplexing me.

It seems that these lines emphasize a sense of uncertainty and self-doubt. The speaker questions whether they are speaking the thoughts of a prophet or if they are simply raving, highlighting their own confusion and lack of understanding. They express a feeling of not knowing much about life or even themselves, as if their own existence and past actions remain elusive and unclear. The speaker describes their perception of the world as a collection of vague and ever-changing guesses, with glimpses of new and better possibilities that both mock and perplex them. It reflects a state of introspection and a longing for clarity and deeper self-awareness.

And these things I see suddenly—what mean they?
As if some miracle, some hand divine unseal’d my eyes,
Shadowy, vast shapes, smile through the air and sky,
And on the distant waves sail countless ships,
And anthems in new tongues I hear saluting me.

These lines highlight a profound sense of wonder and awe. The speaker describes a sudden revelation or awakening, as if their eyes have been opened by a divine hand. They witness the presence of shadowy and grand shapes that seem to smile through the air and sky, along with the sight of countless ships sailing on distant waves. Additionally, they mention hearing anthems in new tongues, as if being greeted and celebrated in unfamiliar languages. It conveys a sense of encountering something extraordinary and transcendent, where the ordinary world is transformed into a realm of beauty and mystery.

Summary of Thomas Hardy After the Visit Poem

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