Summary of Adil Jussawalla Sea Breeze, Bombay

Partition’s people stitched
Shrouds from a flag, gentlemen scissored Sind.
An opened people, fraying across the cut
country reknotted themselves on this island.

These lines talk about how the people of India and Pakistan were separated during the partition, with one side being stitched together and the other side being cut apart. The people who were separated had to find a way to come together again on the new land. These lines describe the partition of India and Pakistan, where people were divided based on religion. The people on one side stitched together shrouds made from a flag, while the people on the other side were cut apart. Despite the separation, the people found a way to reknit themselves on the new land. It portrays the impact of the partition on the people and their resilience in adapting to the new circumstances.

Surrogate city of banks,
Brokering and bays, refugees’ harbour and port,
Gatherer of ends whose brick beginnings work
Loose like a skin, spotting the coast,

These lines signify that the city being described is a surrogate or substitute for a place of financial institutions, trade, and refuge for refugees. It is a gathering place for diverse people from different backgrounds and cultures, with its beginnings formed by loose bricks that resemble a skin, creating a unique and distinctive coastline.

Restore us to fire. New refugees,
Wearing blood-red wool in the worst heat,
come from Tibet, scanning the sea from the north,
Dazed, holes in their cracked feet.

These lines highlight the arrival of new refugees from Tibet, who are enduring extreme heat while wearing blood-red wool. They are exhausted and disoriented, with their feet cracked and full of holes, as they scan the sea from the north in search of safety and refuge. It portrays the hardships and challenges faced by these displaced individuals.

Restore us to fire. Still,
Communities tear and re-form; and still, a breeze,
Cooling our garrulous evenings, investigates nothing,
Ruffles no tempers, uncovers no root,And settles no one adrift of the mainland’s histories.

These lines highlight the ongoing cycle of communities tearing apart and coming together again. Despite this constant change, a gentle breeze continues to cool our lively evenings without causing any disturbances. It doesn’t delve into deeper issues or uncover any underlying causes, allowing for a sense of calm and tranquility. And leaves no one adrift, disconnected from the rich histories of the mainland. It ensures that everyone remains connected to their roots and the collective stories that shape our shared identity.


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