Themes in Ahmed Ali’s Twilight in Delhi

Cultural Clashes – The novel showcases the clashes between the emerging modernity and tradition. The Muslim tradition seems to be diminished in the early modern period and the transition of clothes shifted to Westernization. The old values that the novel has prescribed are the pigeon flying , Muslim attires, Islamic values and ideals , spiritual understanding and alchemy , socialization and marriage to higher class society. The novel presents the clashes where Asghar is opposite to the above given mention values and despite being rejected by his parents regarding the approval of his marriage to Bilqeece since she belongs to the lower strata of society. Asghar was stubborn in his decision and gets married to Bilqeece. As far as the tradition is concerned, he was supposed to live with his parents after marriage but he lives differently with his wife. He is least interested in society and does not incite political and alchemy that reflects the transition and diminishing of Muslim culture.

Repression of Sexuality– Sexuality is repressed in the characters in the novel. Mr. Nihal has an affair with Babban Jan and he comes late at night. The novelist only projects a subtle description of their sexual prowess and the readers are left with the implications rather than a detailed milieu of insights into their sexuality. Asghar was interested in Mustari Bhai before but he also takes a keen interest in the maid servants at home. The character Shams also flirts with young woman but is just represented in normalcy but the sexuality is repressed in the characters perhaps the characters are guilt or ashamed within their feelings.

Colonialism and Imperialism – Colonialism and imperialism is another significant theme in the novel. The colonialism is depicted in the novel by representing the Britain’s colonization and power regime in India where the coronation of King George was depicted. The violence of British colonialism and their imperial strategies is also depicted in the flashbacks of Mir. Nihal. When he was walking back home, he saw a beggar on the street which he believed belonged to the Royal family of India. This clearly justified the decaying of India and the colonial power of British in India. The decline of civilization in India was shown as the symbolical decaying of Delhi city. The city of Delhi was famous for its architecture, rich culture, poets and poetry, kite flying and others but the present scenario shows the decay of Delhi . Due to the intervention of British in India, the old traditional values in India was diminishing and old people like Mr. Nihal was unable to catch up with the new system in the society.

Cultural Hybridity – The hybridity is also another aspect of portrayal in the novel. Since the novel is set in colonial period, many charcaters has shown hybrid colours in their behaviour. Asghar is a classic example of cultural hybridity where he wears an English shirt though he is an Indian and later he becomes more attach to westernization. After his wife died, Asghar adopted a new English way of life and he becomes more individualistic and detaches the communication from society which is a typical traits of Westernization.

Symbolism in Twilight in Delhi


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