Kate Marvel We Need Courage, Not Hope, to Face the Climate Change Summary

The author, a climate scientist, is often asked to talk about hope, especially in the current political climate. The author has a natural tendency to optimism and a need to be liked, which leads her to accept more speaking invitations than is good for her.

The author used to believe there was hope in science, finding comfort in the structure of physics and the knowledge that everything obeys the same laws. However, upon closer examination, the structure of physics dissolves into uncertainty, and we live in a statistical world where one only experience one of many possible outcomes. Our senses are limited in perceiving the underlying stimuli that create events, such as temperature being a result of the random motions of molecules.

Temperature is turned outward in the form of electromagnetic radiation, with different objects emitting light at different wavelengths based on their temperature Everything, including humans and the planet, emits light and has a temperature. Light can escape from anywhere, even black holes.

Critically, the author discusses her struggle to provide hope in the face of climate change and the uncertainty of the scientific structure. She explains the relationship between temperature, light, and the universal laws that govern everything.

The behavior of carbon dioxide molecules in the atmosphere is governed by the same laws that produce light. Carbon dioxide is transparent to the Sun’s rays but absorbs and releases infrared radiation, leading to an increase in the planet’s temperature. The increase in CO2 molecules results in a warmer atmosphere, which has various consequences such as fueling hurricanes and causing rising sea levels.

    Physics can explain the behavior of small things but falls short in explaining the complexities of human interactions and society. The author has faith in the goodness of individuals but lacks faith in collective actions to address global issues like climate change. The author acknowledges the inevitability of climate change and the loss of the world as one know it.

    Rather than hope, the author emphasizes the importance of grief and courage in facing the challenges of climate change. The scale and speed of climate change bind humanity together, as we all share the consequences of a warming atmosphere. Courage is needed to confront the reality of climate change and strive for positive action, even without the guarantee of a happy ending.

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