Munshi Premchand The New Bride Summary

Lala Dongamal, after marrying a second time, feels like a new man and spends very little time at home when his first wife, Leela, was alive. Leela, feeling neglected and unwanted, tries to make herself attractive to Lala but fails.

Leela falls ill and asks Lala to come back early from work, but he refuses and goes out with friends instead. Leela’s condition worsens and she eventually dies, leaving Lala grief-stricken.

Lala decides to get married again after six months of mourning and his life changes completely with the arrival of his new bride, Asha. Lala becomes obsessed with pleasing Asha and neglects his business and responsibilities.

Asha, however, does not show much interest in Lala’s attempts to please her and prioritizes her household duties. Lala becomes disappointed and realizes that Asha’s actions are out of duty, not love. Lala continues to try and win Asha’s love but is unsuccessful.

A young cook named Jugal joins their household and develops a friendly relationship with Asha. Lala becomes jealous of Jugal and Asha’s interactions. Asha tries to remove a pot from the hearth and Jugal offering to help.

Jugal and Asha are having a conversation where Jugal accuses Asha of getting angry for no reason. Lalaji interrupts their conversation and asks Asha to come see the plants he brought.

Asha is busy cooking and asks Lalaji to wait until she finishes. Lalaji gets angry at Asha’s response and walks away. Asha tells Jugal to finish cooking and gives him money to buy clothes.

Jugal expresses his desire for nice clothes and asks for Asha’s photograph. Lalaji returns and asks if Asha has finished cooking, warning Jugal to cook well independently.

Asha comes out of the kitchen and admires the plants Lalaji brought. Lalaji tries to convince Asha to let him have some of the plants, but she refuses. The next day, Asha dresses up and Lalaji suggests going for a walk, but Asha declines.

Lalaji leaves to get medicine for Asha, and she goes to the kitchen. Jugal compliments Asha’s beauty and expresses his fear of leaving. Asha reassures Jugal and tells him to continue doing his work properly.

Jugal comments on Lalaji’s resemblance to Asha’s father, which annoys her. Asha and Jugal discuss the idea of marrying an old woman, with Jugal expressing his opposition. Lalaji’s car horn sounds, and Asha tells Jugal to come see her in the afternoon.


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