O.Henry A Night in New Arabia Summary

The city of Bagdad-on-the-Subway is filled with wealthy individuals known as Al Rashids who seek to display their generosity by helping the poor and unfortunate. The caliphs, or wealthy individuals, shower the less fortunate with gifts and assistance, often to the point of excess.

The streets are filled with beggars and unfortunate individuals who are constantly pursued by the caliphs. The narrator mentions various Arabian tales and characters, such as Ali Baba, Sailbad the Sinner, and Aladdin, to illustrate the extravagance and generosity of the caliphs.

The narrator suggests that the art of storytelling is declining due to the caliphs’ focus on philanthropy. The story shifts to focus on Jacob Spraggins, a wealthy man who desires to alleviate his conscience by doing good deeds.

Jacob made his fortune in the coal industry and is now worth $20,000,000. Jacob retires and begins to feel the influence of the late H.A. Rashid, a wealthy individual. Jacob engages in philanthropy on a large scale, donating to various organizations and institutions.

He becomes dissatisfied with this form of charity and decides to directly help the poor and unfortunate. However, he is warned by a man named Mike O’Grady that his efforts are not welcome in the district and that the people belong to him.

Jacob continues to donate to organized charity and tries to add a personal touch to his benefactions but remains unsatisfied. Jacob’s sister and daughter also live with him in his mansion.

Celia, is described as a nice-looking, awkward, and bashful girl with a love for plain food and the company of lower-class individuals.

Celia falls in love with the grocer’s young man, Thomas McLeod, and disguises herself as a maid to get closer to him. Celia and Thomas begin a courtship, and their relationship progresses over time.

Thomas works as a grocer’s assistant and earns a modest salary, but they plan to make a life together despite financial constraints. Celia is aware of her family’s wealth but does not rely on it, as she knows her aunt and father would disapprove of her relationship with Thomas.

Jacob Spraggins, Celia’s father, has a fortune made from a lucky land purchase and contemplates returning a sum of money to the heirs of the original landowner. The mention of swift action that needs to be taken, suggesting that further events will unfold.

Old Jacob hired private detectives to find the heirs of Hugh McLeod, an old miner. Thomas was revealed to be the heir after a confession. Jacob attempted to make restitution without full confession. Thomas received $10,000 from his grandfather’s estate and proposed to Celia, who revealed she was wealthy.

They married that night. Jacob discovered his grandson, Jaky, and planned to build his fortune. He cut expenses and raised prices to save money. The story contrasts modern financial concerns with historical tales of caliphs.

O.Henry The Girl and the Habit Summary


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