P.G. Wodehouse The Dastardly Behaviour of Bashmead Summary

Rupert Alexander Bashmead is known for his cynical and unblushing behavior, which has been a topic of conversation since his childhood. Bashmead is skilled at cheating in school and is predicted to have a bad future by his teachers.

He forms a friendship with James Prendergast, who is known for his frivolous nature and skill in gambling. Bashmead’s friends speculate that he is only friends with James because he hopes to borrow money from him, but James has no money.

Bashmead falls in love with James’ sister, Muriel, and realizes that he cares for her more than himself.

However, he discovers that Muriel prefers the company of George Jobson, a man of moral worth and literary aspirations.

Bashmead becomes jealous and devises a plan to humiliate Jobson by having Muriel read a story that ridicules him. Jobson leaves, and Bashmead criticizes him for finding humor in the story.

Bashmead eventually marries Muriel, and Jobson disappears, possibly falling victim to the dangers of Clapham. The story ends with a description of Bashmead and Muriel’s wedding and the implication that Jobson met an unfortunate fate.


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