Rabindranath Tagore Chandalika Summary

Act I

Prakriti, the daughter, is missing and her mother is wondering where she has gone. Prakriti appears and explains that she is doing penance in the blistering sun because someone called out to her for water. Prakriti reveals that the person who called out to her belongs to their caste, but she told him she is a Chandalini (a lower caste).

Prakriti’s mother is concerned about her actions and warns her about the consequences of defying her caste. Prakriti explains that the encounter with the person has changed her and she now believes in serving others regardless of caste. Prakriti’s mother is skeptical and advises her to stay within her caste’s boundaries.

Prakriti expresses her desire to find the person who called out to her and serve him. Prakriti’s mother recalls a time when the king’s son noticed Prakriti’s beauty, but Prakriti is more interested in the person who recognized her true self. Prakriti’s mother is unsure how to respond to her daughter’s desires and suggests going to the person herself to offer water.

Prakriti rejects the idea and believes that her longing will eventually bring the person to her. Prakriti’s mother is concerned about the consequences of trying to manipulate the person through spells. Prakriti reminds her mother that she was willing to use spells on the king’s son and believes that the person will be drawn to her without manipulation.

Prakriti, is not afraid of the king but fears sinking back into darkness. Prakriti believes that bringing a man named Ananda to her side will fulfill her life. Prakriti is willing to pay any price to bring Ananda to her. Prakriti believes that a religion that insults is false and no longer conforms to societal expectations. Prakriti recalls the moment when Ananda asked her for water and how it brought her joy.

Prakriti is determined to bring Ananda to her side, even if it means committing a crime. Prakriti believes that Ananda’s daring and love have transformed her life. Prakriti is devastated when she sees Ananda leaving without acknowledging her. Prakriti feels trapped and suffers from a deep desire for Ananda.

Prakriti believes that her mother’s spells can bring Ananda back to her. Prakriti is confident that her mother’s ancient spells are more powerful than the mantras of the monks. Prakriti wants her mother to bring Ananda back, regardless of where he goes.

Prakriti believes that her mother’s spells will cause Ananda to lose his way and come to her. Prakriti and her mother discuss the potential consequences of the spell and whether Prakriti can endure it. Prakriti envisions a night of doom, union, and the breaking of worlds.

Act II

Prakriti is in great agony and fears for the king of the forest, who is suffering. Prakriti’s mother offers to undo the spell causing the suffering, even at the cost of her own life. Prakriti insists that the suffering must continue until the king of the forest reaches the end of his path.

Prakriti describes her deep love and devotion for the king of the forest, willing to sacrifice everything for his well-being. Prakriti prepares a ritual to try and bring the king of the forest to her, using spells and offerings. Prakriti’s mother’s spells weaken, and she is unable to continue.

Prakriti fears that if the king of the forest escapes, she will never be able to reach him again. Prakriti dances and sings, hoping for the king of the forest to reveal himself.

The king of the forest arrives, but Prakriti is disappointed by his appearance and rejects the magic. Ananda, a disciple of the Buddha, enters and Prakriti seeks forgiveness. Prakriti’s mother dies, and Ananda pays homage to the Buddha.

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