The Man of Mode as a Comedy of Manners

Love Affairs – The play circulates around various love affairs which include the relationship of Dorimant with Mrs. Loveit, Belinda and Harriet. Dorimant is a disloyal husband of Mrs. Loveit who left her for Harriet at the end and the play revolves around Dorimant pursuit of happy love while breaking the sentiments of Belinda and Mrs. Loveit. The love affairs are infidel and reflects the Restoration age. The love affair between Emilia and Young Bellair is interesting because it is secret and pretension. Young Bellair was given a choice which literally put him in an uncomfortable situation where he has to comply with the request of Old Bellair in getting engaged to Harriet. Love affair dwindles and mixes up in a complicated way but gradually entangles and softens into a smooth fluidity of characters choices.

Love Intrigues- Love intrigues is another aspect of comedy of manners. There are love among friends including Dorimant, Medley and Young Bellair. Dorimany is supported by Medley and Young Bellair and they all share a bond of unbreakable friendship. The love intrigue between father and son is also seen where Old Bellair cares for his son and wants his son to marry Harriet for his own fortune. The love intrigue between Dorimant and Harriet is mysteriously surprising as both like each other but does not show it in reality. The others characters such as Lady Woodvil, Mrs. Loveit and Belinda shares a complicated relationship with Dorimant due to his licentious relationships.

Immorality– Immoral behaviour is the essence of comedy of manners. Dorimant is a classic example of immoral behaviour. It also reflects the spirit of the age where people enjoyed social liberty. Dorimant engaged himself into multiple love affairs having been married to Mrs. Loveit. She is devastated after knowing Harriet and Dorimant are dating and loves each other. The immorality is seen when Dorimant tries to set up and falsely accused his own wife Mrs. Loveit having an affair with Fopling Flutter. It is ironic because Dorimant only does it because he wanted to get rid of his own wife due to a boring life and marriage.

Superficiality of Life – The superficiality of life is another example of comedy of manners. The characters are engaged in superficial engagement where Dorimant pursues another woman despite getting married and trying to fix his idle marriage. He pursues in a superficial meaningless life of finding a woman who will satisfy his needs and desires. The other characters also engage themselves in gossip where Medley and Lady Townsley talks about the various love affairs of Dorimant implying the society which talks about the scandals of other people and immoral infidel relationships.

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