The Painter of Signs (Pages 87-111) Summary

The last part opens with Raman visiting Daisy’s residence late at night. Daisy tells him to bring in his bicycle after they turn down the lights so she won’t be held accountable if it gets stolen. They spend a lot of time together and eat together frequently as the days pass. Daisy begins to nod off in her chair and become groggy at work. She starts to worry that her job may be declining and looks for ways to hide how tired she is.

To discuss his impending marriage to Daisy with his aunt, Raman steels himself. She gets upset when he tells her. Daisy, according to her, is not even a true Hindu and comes from a different caste. According to Raman, the only thing that should count is that she is a decent person and would make a good wife. The discussion ends when they come to a standstill. Raman understands how much he needs his aunt’s blessing in this situation. He retires to his bed. He works on a sign for his job the following day.

He learns from his aunt that she is making a religious pilgrimage to Benares. This surprises him to hear. She informs him that, like many others, she intends to pass away there and does not require a return ticket. She sees it as the pinnacle of her spiritual journey. His aunt makes a few more disparaging remarks about Daisy as they talk about business. That evening, he complains to Daisy out of frustration. She tells him it’s not a huge problem and he should just grant his aunt’s wish.

The following day, Raman’s aunt tells him she has to discuss a few practical issues with him. She claims to have taken care of him ever since his parents passed away. He attempts to change the subject from his parents as she has been talking about them a lot and it always gets her very sad. She expresses her hope that Daisy will pick up the cleaning. Daisy had previously assured Raman that she would not abandon her work for him. They choose to tie the knot with the least amount of pomp and circumstance.

Raman makes the travel arrangements and assists his aunt in getting ready for her trip. To Raman’s dismay, she packs a tiny bag before explaining the thorough planning that goes into keeping the household running efficiently. She did so lot for the household, he had never realized. She expresses concern that Daisy won’t take up the slack. After three days, the stark emptiness of the house starts to worry Raman. In an attempt to get it ready for Daisy’s upcoming move, he gets it cleaned. When Daisy visits his home late one afternoon, she notices the modifications he has made to suit her, such as the locking of his aunt’s religious sculptures in the cabinet. Pointing out his room and work space, he takes her about the house.

Daisy invites him to approach closer as they sit together. Excitement and anxiety mix as he asks her when she plans to move in with him. She promises to do so when her apartment’s lease expires on the tenth. She nods out before he had a chance to ask some more questions. The day before her move-in date, the ninth, Raman pays her a visit at work to have a conversation. He claims he was in route to deliver a board to another somebody within the structure. Daisy had a number of guests. They are from different villages, she continues, where the population has increased dramatically. She claims that in order to carry out her campaign, she will need to go there. He enquires about her living with him and the uncertainty that comes with it.

She claims she can no longer live with him. She urges him not to cause a disturbance in the office when he becomes agitated with her. He tells her angrily that it seems like he turned his life upside down for her. She believes she has to stay dedicated to her cause and that there is nothing she can do about it. As the women head back, Daisy prepares to depart. He grabs her by the shoulders as she descends the steps, promising to never love anyone else but her and to welcome her into his home at all times. She is upset, but she is determined to go. Raman observes her driving off. He tosses the key into a nearby fountain as he was ready to give it to her.Ready to return to his former life, he mounts his bicycle and rides back to the Boardless Hotel.

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