Themes in A.A Milne The Ugly Duckling

Social Expectations and Beauty– Milne has presented Princess Camilla who lacks physical beauty and charm in her personality. It is grounded based on social expectations where the Queen states that they are famous for their beauty in their families and the Chancellor finds it ironic and a mystery that Princess Camilla inherited none. One can also observe that the beauty standards are placed upon women by the society and the women are forced to live up to the social expectations of certain beauty standards. Princess Camilla challenges this trend of the social standards and it is evident that she is the most generous women in the kingdom as the King suggest in the play. It means that she may not be physically attractive or charming to others yet she has the most beautiful heart of kindness and generosity towards others.

However, Milne seems to project the gender equality in the play. He represented Prince Simon who is a quintessential of a medieval Prince undertaking a long distant journey. He is also physically unattractive and he is self conscious about his own appearance. He concocts a plan by making Carlo, his attendant to disguise himself as a Prince Simon and meet Princess Camilla. It institute gender equality where it is not only women who are self conscious about their beauty but also men.

Disguise– The role of disguise in the play is to resolve the problem. The Queen and the King decides to devise a plan to disguise Dulcibella into Princess Camilla so that Prince Simon may not break off the relationship with her. They are worried because she is plain and she has a lack of attractive personality in her appearance. They think that the plan to disguise Princess Camilla’s maid can resolve the problem but the situation turns out unexpectedly. Princess Camilla and Prince Simon initially dupes each other identity initially but they exchange their true identities after meeting once that change the entire situation inadvertently. Prince Simon also disguised Carlo into his identity because he is also self conscious his own physical appearance to resolve the problem.

At the end, Carlo disguised as Prince Simon and Dulcibella as Princess Camilla meets up while the Chancellor asks Carlo who is in disguise the riddle. Carlo gives the wrong answer but Prince Simon who stands up and he is allowed to answer the riddle. He answered it accurately and he is allowed to marry in full armour as the tradition follows to Princess Camilla.

Love and Romance– Milne has showed a typical Shakespearean romantic comedy in the play. The love and romance is indeed a love at first sight. Prince Simon falls in love with Princess Camilla at first sight after meeting her for the first time in disguise. Though they reveal each other secrets that shows their true identities, it also proves their love , understanding and compassionate for each other. Though the romantic scene is short lived in the play yet it dissolve the gift of Princess Camilla’s godmother who states in a verse to her that everyone will ignore her beauty and consider her plain till her wedding day as well as the social expectations of certain beauty standards. The romantic scenes such as when Prince calls her how lovely she was evoked a climate of joy and happiness for Princess Camilla that she has found the real love for her as well the way Prince holds her up also adds the romantic mood and love in the play.

Comedy– The play also has many comical scenes. The King is a typical comical character in the play. He whispers and he interrupts in between while the Queen tells something to the Chancellor. It also adds another layer of humour to the play. The scene between the King and Dulcibella is feilled with humour. For instance, when the King teaches her what she is supposed to do when Prince Simon will hold her hands, she instantly replies “coo” that provides a comical atmosphere.

Service– The theme of service is indeed seen in the play. The Chancellor shows his loyal servitude towards the King and Queen. Dulcibella also helps Princess Camilla and she never shy away from helping her to resolve her problem. Carlo is also a loyal attendant to Prince Simon. He also helps him during the riddle solving problem while appreciating him despite giving a wrong answer. This shows how the minor characters in the play supports the major characters to resolve the problem in the play.

O.Henry The Last Leaf Summary

Characterization in A.A Milne The Ugly Duckling

Comical Elements in A.A Milne The Ugly Duckling

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