Themes in Synge’s A Playboy of the Western World

The Playboy of the Western World is a three-act comedy set against the rural west  coast of Ireland. It was first performed on 26 January 1907.The story is set in Michael James Flaherty’s public house in County Mayo at the turn of the 20th century. It tells the story of  Christy Mahon, a young man running away from his farm, claiming he killed his father. He  takes the locals for a ride earning everyone’s admiration and the romantic attention of the bar maid Pegeen Mike, but when his father turns up his fortunes turn and he has to leave in  disgrace after another failed attempt to kill his dad.

Escaping the boredom and ennui of routine existence– Christy Mahon is a very young fellow suffering under his tyrannical father living a humdrum  existence till immediately before the opening of the play. But a moment comes when he acts  decisively to change his life. The occasion is when he is ordered to marry a widow many  years his senior. He runs away and arrives at Flaherty’s pub a fugitive from the law. But he takes advantage of the villagers’ credulity and interest in a good story and dramatically  recounts the how he cracked his father’s. This endears him to his listeners. He as well as the  villagers who have so far been living a life of routine boredom now enters into a semi fantastic world of adventure and romance. Christy is indulging it all and the playwright  provides the audience with melodrama and action more than charting the moral growth of the  protagonist. to the rural folk of County Mayo an alleged parricide becomes a hero who  excites them relieving them from the routine life. In the end he is revealed as no hero and the  villagers turn against him because they follow the conventional values of society that shuns crime especially parricide. The return to their humdrum life. Christy who came from the  outside world had provided them with a romance that they enjoyed and when he is gone they  are back again to the world of farming and pub life embracing its monotony. 

Satire on Naivety and Cruelty of Peasantry– One reason why the play was found provocative was its alleged depiction of the Irish people  as credulous and naïve. Christy Mahon is easily able to win the admiration of the villagers by claiming to have killed his father most violently. The pub girl leaves her fiancée for him and  the local widow wants to seduce him. They believe his self glorifying tale without considering  its serious implications. But then when the victim of the assault turns up and there is a real  attempt to murder him, they scandalized peasants, suddenly turn against Christy and even try  to hand him over to the law. His sweetheart even tortures him. The villagers appear to us as  naïve credulous and morally insensitive.  

Self- development and Improvement- Christy Mahon is a young man who is exposed to  violence and harshness. Though he shows signs of cowardice and fear, the adulation that he  receives from the people in the village including Pegeen, the widow and the other girls builds  his self esteem. Christy discovers his hidden capabilities, including his power of self  expression and physical capabilities.  In the second confrontation with his father, he shows himself as capable of what he  claimed in the beginning. That he is manly enough. His departing lines show that he has  arrived at a new mode of relating to his father who has been his bugbear. He will be in charge  of his life in the future. Thus through violence and romance he grows up morally. 

Violence – If violence is to be taken as a theme, then we can see that it is an analysis of the  two aspects of human violence. In a narration of violence the listeners are entrapped by the heroic quality of bold action without ever considering the moral and social implications of  violence and murder. Violence for Christy is a way of expressing himself against an  oppressive world represented by his tyrannical father. He takes advantage of it by projecting  himself as a manly hero who stands up to his father and asserts his will. The villagers living in  a state of lifeless boredom find the sensational story exciting. Though they are conventional and would not approve of a horrendous crime like parricide, they are distant from it except for  the sensation they enjoy listening to a dramatic story. But when they actually witness the  attempted murder, which is a repetition of what was earlier presented to them as a tale told by  Christy, they are horrified and repulsed. They condemn it and begin to see its real horror. The  comic treatment of the subject makes it bearable for the audience .It is also to be note that the  climactic violence is made to happen offstage. Besides it ends with reconciliation between the  contenders. 

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