Thomas Gray The Progress of Poesy Summary


Stanza 1– The poet refers to the Greek god Aeolyian lyre who spread his winds and it creates a sound of music. The poetry is compared to spring season and flowers where the source of poetry comes from the muses who lives in “Helicon”. From this source, the muses inspires the writings of poetry and similarly to the thousands flow of water from Helicon valley the writings of poetry also flow in different modes of rhymes from the same Helicon valley. The lines also suggest that poetry is able to give life and fragrant enthusiastic decorum around.The poetry is compared to music. The flow of poetry is “Deep, majestic, smooth , and strong” through the “verdant vales” and “Ceres golden reign”. The “Ceres” is the goddess of earth and here the invocation to the goddess of earth implies that poetry flows all throughout the world. The reference to the waterfall shows that poetry also flows in the same effect. The imagery also reflects that the sound of water and the roaring of nature shows the similar effect of poetry that also creates such music whether mild or strong. 

Stanza 2– The stanza concerns with the powerful effects of poetry on human emotions. It talks about different range of emotions that poetry can bring to the mind of a person. It can also control the passion and emotional flow of human emotions. The effect of poetry can actually release the anger and fury of the Lord of the War on Thracia’s Hills. Poetry can change the nature of the god of war. The perch eagle on the powerful hands of Jupiter Jove is able to be lulled by the effects of poetry. The fierce of an eagle is subdued to the effects of slumber through poetry. 

Stanza 3-  Poetry is attached to an emotion of love. He gives an example of cupids or god of love. The poet states that these cupids dance and obey to the voice of poetry and they are seen dancing on “Idalia” at Cyprus on Cytherea’s Day. The poet continues to describe the dancing of the cupids who are engaged with “antic sports” and merry making pleasure. Sometimes, they dance while pursuing something and retreating again. They also circle around and dance around to the rhythm of the music and one can see the shining feet of the cupids. The “Queen” signifies Venus who approaches when the music becomes slow and melodious. It is also stated that whenever Venus or the goddess of beauty passes on Cytherea’s Day , the Graces or the daughters of Zeus pay their respect or homage to her. The goddess of beauty is depicted as something that glides and floats beautifully at ease that attracts the audience. The poet also goes on to say that she is able to move the young Desire with her warm cheek and rising bosom meaning her youth and beauty. Desire and Love always accompany Venus as she approaches. It means the progress of poesy is also accompanied by the moving desires or passion as well as love to the readers or audiences. 


Stanza 1– The poet philosophies life and lists the miseries of human life. It is compared to the moving “weeping train” and the last living experience is the death as well the destiny or fate that governs human life. There are also some who disagrees with the poet’s song or poem but he tries to justify the “laws of Jove” meaning the law of the effects of poetry on human thoughts and emotions. The poet states that the divine heavenly muse is not given in vain. The poet also states that night carries the sickly dews and bad omen carrying birds and when the night is over ,Hyperion or the sun marches or rises battling against the night. It is the similar effect with poetry where it brings light onto human life by battling against the miseries of life. 

Stanza 2–  The stanza concerns the omnipresent traits of a poetry. The poetry exists even in the remote areas of earth’s geography beyond the solar road. He gives image of the natives living in the ice built mountain and the Muse here refers to poetry. The poetry gives warm to this people living in the chilly mountains and the in-existence of poetry would have brought dullness to them. Poetry is present even in the areas where there are shades or shades bounded by the forests. Poetry gives a different shade in these areas being savage and wildly sweet in loose rhymes and music. Whenever the goddess is present , glory , fame and sacredness pursues. Poetry represents liberty and “unconquerable mind”. 

Stanza 3- The stanza deals with the origin of poetry. It is seen in Greek over “Delphis Steep” or shrine of Apollo. It is an island that crowned the Aegean Sea. He also talks about the river of amber raves and the river flows lingering the sound of poetry meaning that various poems and poets are associated to these places including the Greek poet Homer where he was born in Meander or Asia Minor and lyric poetry flourished. The lyric poetry lingered around in Lab’rinths creep for a small temporal time. The poetry seems to fade away due to the voice of Anguish. There were lots of pain in this area and hence poetry faded away. Greeks has a reputation where many poets inspired around the people. All these shades and sacred areas of Greece aided in originating the source of poetry. The poetry took its journey to Italy when Greece was enslaved by evil hour. The Nine muses left their mountain Parnassus to Italy of Latian plains. When the poetry reached Italy, they did not help in enriching the effects of poetry due to the tyrant Power and people are enslaved hence the poetry lost its seriousness and sweetness in Italy. The poetry left and it reached to Albion or England or the British isles. 


Stanza 1- It talks about King Edward who is supposed to look at his fate written down by the poet. His fate has been consecrated to his wife Eleanor of Castile. Here, the bard tries to kill itself after his work is done but he becomes happy after seeing the future where he wants to stay without alone and unhappiness. He looks at the western skies where the other bards have faded in his eyes. He sees the snowdon height about his futuristic fate. He sees the future of Britain and he starts to have an aching sight. He sees the unborn future and he feels unburden of the future of Britain. The poet does no longer need to mourn for the long lost King Arthur of England. The future king or the Tudor dynasty is being celebrated or the bard should praised the future monarchy who would bring peace and solace to the Britain. 

Stanza 2– The stanza concerns with Queen Elizabeth II. Girth refers to the barons surrounding the Queen. There are also many gorgeous ladies and damsels as well as statesman who are a sitting near the side of the Queen pleasing her majesty. In the middle of the sight , the divine or the Queen sits and the bright sight of her eye reflects her personality of courage, enthusiasm that is well respected by everyone. She has a soothing voice and she is a Virgin Queen of different aura. The different kind of melodious song can be heard in the background in the air thy reflects the melodious praise for Queen. Some instruments are being played round her play. The poet “Taliessin” should also hear from his grave that the future Queen will protect many poets. The bard who has bring forth life to the animate clay and spread happiness roaring while the Queen praises it reaching the height of heavens. 

Stanza 3– The stanza deals with the futuristic vision of England under Queen. The writings of poetry will be refined and beautiful under her reign. The poetry will be about fiery war and faithful love talking about Edmund Spenser and about fairy fiction in The Faerie Queen. The poet also mentions William Shakespeare who will also write tragedy and expresses grief and pleasing pain for the audience. It is enthralling to the readers filled with horror and tyrant rulers of the monarchs as depicted by Shakespeare in his drama. The poet then mentions John Milton who wrote Paradise Lost where the cherub choir represents the low rank angel who praise for God in the Heaven. The Eden bear represents the Eden garden and it is able to be seen in Milton’s work. It is futuristic as the poet is able to hear the fraction of it but it will soon be seen and achieve under the Queen. The bard is thinking about the King Edward who is impious who disrespect God and he will be dead while replacing the nation with golden flood. The nation will be strengthened with redoubled rays or strengthening the nation. The bard is enough of his explanation and he sees with joy the different dooms of fate assigned to Edward who will be punished and it will be the victory for the poet and the bard’s dead will be peaceful. The bard speaks and he jumps from the mountain’s height deep into the endless night of eternity while roaring the music of future Britain.

Critical Analysis of Thomas Gray The Progress of Poesy

Thomas Gray Ode on a Prospect of Elton College Summary

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