Wendy Fernandes Midnight Summary

The tale tells the story of Midnight, a haughty and intelligent black tomcat, who enjoys baiting Oscar, a retired army dog. Oscar tries to defend his territory from Midnight’s unauthorized entry, but Midnight always manages to escape back to his own garden. The two animals exchange insults and engage in skirmishes at night. Miss Victoria, Midnight’s owner, often intervenes unnecessarily, pleading with Oscar not to frighten Midnight. The relationship between the two gardens remains strained.

Miss Victoria’s house is described as old and squat, with a high wall and solid wooden gates. Midnight is known as the scourge of the district but is adored by Miss Victoria. He has his own chair, prepared meals, and a collection of realistic toys. Louie the Lifter, an honest burglar, believes in non-violence, prohibition, and free speech. He sees himself as a charitable burglar, only stealing from those who don’t need the items he takes.

Fifi, a pretty young dog, accepts Oscar’s invitation to dinner but realizes she has been deceived when there is no other company. Louie, planning to burgle Miss Victoria’s house, checks his gear and enters the garden. He is startled by Midnight’s presence and tries to escape through a hole in the wire netting. Fifi also jumps through the hole, seeking asylum from Oscar. Midnight claws his way onto Louie’s head and then leaps onto the wall, causing a commotion with his loud sounds. Miss Victoria arrives and assumes the dogs attacked Louie to protect Midnight. She drives the dogs away with a broom.

Louie offers to fix Miss Victoria’s gate and secretly steals silverware and other items while she is occupied. He mends the gate and is invited inside for a glass of sherry. He discreetly places stolen items in Midnight’s case. Miss Victoria tends to Louie’s injuries and shows him motherly care. Louie feels guilty for taking advantage of her kindness. Midnight becomes drunk after consuming milk mixed with Scotch, and Miss Victoria finds the situation amusing. Louie eventually leaves, but Midnight scratches his hand when he tries to take the case. Louie departs dispiritedly, realizing that Midnight wants an eye in exchange for the case.

On his way home, Louie discovers that all the stolen items are missing from his pockets, and he finds a note from Miss Victoria, who reveals herself as “Vicky the Voluptuous Vamp.” She claims the stolen items were a gift from a friend and suggests Louie improve his technique if he wants to visit again. Louie is shaken by the realization that he was deceived by a seemingly nice old lady. However, he also feels a sense of awe and swagger as he reflects on the encounter.

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