William Golding’s Lord of the Flies as an Allegory

Political Allegory– The novel gives an allegorical discourse on the rise of fascism and democratic utopianism. The two boys Ralph and Jack represents them . Ralph represents the democratic utopianism where he stresses on reason, order and rules. Jack represents the image of fascism uniting boys only to create a monster. The monster is the common enemy of their individual self. Politically, the rise of Nazis and fascism was at its peak and the Choir boys in the novel stands for the followers of Nazi or Hitler. Golding explains that the conscious personality of the crowd subtracts reflecting that they follow him in one direction. The conch in the novel represents law and democracy because the characters are able to speak their minds and express when the conch is in their hands. When the conch is fragmented into pieces then the law and order breaks consuming the disorder among them. The cold war is directly related to the beast. The beast in the novel represents the rise of communism which people feared during that time and many leaders uses their power to increase their leadership and power to govern the world. The holocaust is also depicted where Jack , representative of Hitler who killed millions of Jews and Jack killed his friend Piggy and Simon brutally which reflects the holocaust of the world war II. Allegorically, Piggy stands for democracy , law and order as well as philosopher, science and reason which brutally dies in the world of savages. Piggy’s death is the death of democracy and order in the society and the loss of reason, science and philosophy.

Religious Allegory– The religious allegory is abundant in the novel. The title of the novel is taken from Jewish hierarchy of demons known as “Beelzebub” known as “Lord of the Flies”. The island which the boys settle in is an allegory of the Garden of Eden. The fall of man is beautifully structured in the novel where biblical Satan tempts Adam and Eve resulting into loss of paradise and fall of man. Similarly , when Jack , allegorically biblical Satan tempts other boys in the island and turn against Ralph then the boys fell out of the paradise or the fall of man is established. Simon represents the allegory of faith and his leadership qualities is those of Jesus who embraces virtue, kindness and loving and courage. He was not afraid of the beast and went inside the forest only to know that the beast actually was the rotten dead body of an airman entangled in a parachute. However, Simon was mistaken for the beast and was killed implying the crucifixion of Jesus Christ who was killed for preaching the gospels.

Psychological Allegory– The novel also projects the psychological input of human nature. It is weaved carefully inside the behaviour and their nature reflecting individual self of a human. Ralph represents the outer self of a person which is bright , innocent and sensible. His common idea was to establish equality and democratic values in a civilized world adhering to certain rules and regulations. Jack represents the inner self of a man which is mysterious and always hidden from the reality. The inner self of man stems hatred, ignorance, jealousy and power mongering which lives in their inner world and Jack represents such traits in his behaviour. He is a power mongering that makes him blind and he becomes furious when Ralph is elected as a leader. Allegorically, he represents Hitler. However, Jack represents the Id principle or the instinctual or pleasure desire whereas Ralph represents ego principle or reality principle and Simon represents superego or morality principle. Ralph represents ego where he has the desire to be a leader but his ego tells him that power should be wield to bring forth civilization, sensibility, law and order , democracy whereas Jack was of id which was the instinctual desire of acquiring power without knowing its disastrous consequences it can have if it is not balanced with ego. Simon clearly represents superego with a morality principle of virtue and kindness who has the courage to look for the beast.

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