William Somerset Maugham The Happy Couple Summary

Miss Ley, an old maid, takes a cottage by the river for a peaceful retreat. She observes her neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Craig, who seem content and devoted to each other. Despite their plain appearances, Mrs. Craig shows affection towards her husband and child. Miss Ley imagines a romantic backstory for the couple, where they fell in love years ago but faced obstacles to marriage.

After a long separation, they reunite and get married, despite Mrs. Craig’s insecurities about her age. Miss Ley believes their love, though based on illusion, will lead to a happy life together.

Miss Ley’s friend, Frank Hurrell, visits her on Whit Sunday and they discuss their common interests. Miss Ley tells Frank about her invented story regarding their neighbors, Edwin and Angelina Craig. While talking about Edwin, Miss Ley points him out in the garden, holding their baby.

Frank recognizes Edwin’s face but can’t remember where he knows him from. When Edwin and Angelina walk towards them, they suddenly become terrified and look like hunted beasts. Frank reveals that Edwin and Angelina are actually Dr. and Mrs. Brownley, who were accused of a murder but acquitted.

The Brownsleys disappear overnight, leaving their cottage empty and without a trace. Miss Ley wonders how they can be happy despite their past actions. The story concludes with the disappearance of the Brownsleys, leaving Miss Ley to wonder about their fate.

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