Oscar Wilde The Young King Summary

The story describes the young King on the eve of his coronation, reflecting on his past and his future as he prepares to take the throne. He was raised in the forest by a goatherd, unaware of his royal lineage until he was brought to the palace.

The King has a deep appreciation for beauty and art, often seeking out rare and exquisite materials for his coronation attire. He dreams of standing in a weaver’s attic, where he learns of the struggles of the poor and oppressed.

This dream shakes him to his core, making him question the inequality and suffering in his kingdom. The young King’s dreams reveal his inner conflict between the opulence of his royal life and the harsh realities faced by his subjects.

The story then describes a scene of slaves on a galley, forced to dive for pearls under dangerous conditions. The master of the galley values the pearls above all else, even at the cost of the slaves’ lives. The young King in the story has vivid dreams that reflect themes of suffering, death, and the consequences of greed.

When he wakes, he rejects the symbols of wealth and power, recognizing the darkness behind them. The courtiers dismiss his dreams as mere fantasies, highlighting a disconnect between the ruling class and the reality of those who labor for them. The young King’s refusal to wear the crown and scepter symbolizes a rejection of material wealth tainted by suffering and death.

The Chamberlain advises the young King to dress and look like a king to be recognized as one by the people. The young King refuses to wear the royal attire and chooses to wear his old shepherd’s clothes instead. The nobles mock and criticize the young King for his appearance, but he remains steadfast.

The young King encounters a man who criticizes the luxury of the rich and the suffering of the poor. The young King enters the cathedral in his goatherd’s dress and is questioned by the soldiers guarding the entrance. The Bishop questions the young King’s attire and advises him to embrace his role as a king and forget his dreams.

The young King ignores the Bishop’s advice and kneels before the image of Christ. The nobles enter the cathedral and threaten to kill the young King for his appearance. As the young King prays, sunlight streams through the painted windows, transforming his appearance and surroundings.

The people and nobles kneel before the young King, recognizing his true majesty. The Bishop acknowledges the young King’s greatness and kneels before him. The young King leaves the cathedral, and people are in awe of his angelic appearance.

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